Galleries - October 2020

CONTEMPORARY ART FAIRS – SURREY (Autumn) Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October 2020, Sandown Park Racecourse, Esher, Surrey Advance Tickets: John Afflick John Ryan Sarah Dalton Art Humilitas Fairy Pool Cascade, Isle of Skye Come and experience the unique buzz of CONTEMPORARY ART FAIRS - SURREY (Autumn) where over 130 emerging and established contemporary artists and galleries will gather to share their extraordinary work in a relaxed, participatory and welcoming environment. Bringing together an exciting mix of artists, printmakers, photographers, sculptors and selected galleries offering the very best in contemporary art to new and established collectors. Real Art for Real People … CONTEMPORARY ART FAIRS - SURREY (Autumn) also provides an invaluable opportunity for visitors to meet face-to-face with the artists themselves; to delight in the stories and thinking behind the creative process, bringing added value and interest to any work of art as it becomes more of an experience. The Art Fair represents an open doorway into the art of tomorrow; and with emerging artists eager for recognition, there’s every chance of snapping up an unexpected bargain! Creative Workshops - Licensed Restaurant – Free Parking Please buy advance tickets online to book your preferred session. For more information on visiting the fair safely please visit the website . autumn