Giannamore - La Galerie London presents An exhibition of
photographs by NANCY BARWELL SHADOWS’ MEMORY 5 Blenheim Crescent,
London W11 2EE (off Portobello Road) 3rd – 8th June
2009 (Wed-Fri 10pm to 6pm/Sat-Sun 10am to 5pm) ---------------------------------------------------------------- "I think that the beautiful is not in itself
a substance, but only a drawing of shadows. A simple game of clear-obscure”
And if shadow was the
prey, the only one which it is important to capture? Nancy Barwell's
photographic propositions attempt to give shadows their own being and a plastic
dignity. Reality's double,
substitutive figure of representation, shadow lies beside the object, thrown
down on the ground like a deforming mirror. Never autonomous, it is an obscure
and unhappy sister of the image. But the moment of its
outrageousness allows shadow to take its revenge. It worries one with its
strangeness. It lies in wait, stalks the silhouette,which cannot escape. It
reveals, undresses, and denounces its prey without ever giving up. Nancy Barwell is a French
artist working with photography, painting and drawing. Trained as a
psychoanalyst she draws her ideas and artistic concepts from the deep subconscious
and from the writings of psychoanalysts or psychiatrists. Shadows are a beautiful
new series of nearly abstract photographs taken in inspirational walking
journeys, which became the basis for searching the right balance between image
and shadow: the contrasts and the clear-obscure
have an intrinsically powerful relationship; shadows are the complementary and
opposite of the image. Without shadows and its obscure element, there is no
image, there is no light, there is no representation, and there is no art? Alongside the Shadows
will also be shown her series of Laundry;
a new concept of photographs and paintings ensemble. Exhibitions curated and organized by Karine
Giannamore – La Galerie London.For further information, please contact: karine@lagalerielondon.co.uk /+(0) 44 20 7352
1278 /+ (0) 44 7956 833 737 |