ref: gOs May 25-Jun 12 2010 ADAM GALLERY Barbara Rae - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

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BARBARA RAE - ‘Celtic Connections’

Adam Gallery, 24 Cork Street, London W1S 3NJ

25th May 12th June, 2010

Private View: Tuesday 25th May 6- 8.30 pm

Barbara Rae is being highly celebrated in London this Spring. Her work can be seen both at the Royal Academy of

Arts and at Adam Gallery, Cork Street.

Adam Gallery is holding a major exhibition of her new paintings entitled ‘Celtic Connections’ from 25th May to 12th

June. Barbara has been travelling extensively to create a group of fantastic works based in Western Scotland,

Western Ireland and the South of France (such as ‘Collioure Vineyards’, illustrated above). She is drawn to

Western coastlines for the intensity of the light as well as to small independent communities with a ‘Celtic

Connection’ where she feels a strong connection to the human history.

These locations are not ‘centralized’ but places on the margins’. They are ‘small countries within countries’.

Barbara is drawn to the individuality and independent spirit of the Irish, the Catalans and the Basques. She

celebrates these strong identities by scraping through the superficial topography of a landscape, and discovering

the human stories that leave their traces on the land. Barbara investigates the human markings on the land, such

as roads, fences, markers and standing stones. Celtic markings and ancient symbols remind her of the history as

well as the geography of the land.

Also this Spring, a second book will be launched to celebrate Barbara as a printmaker. Printmaking has always

been integral to her artistic activity: monotypes, screenprints and etchings compliment and inform her approach to

painting. The Royal Academy is holding the show ‘Barbara Rae RA; ‘Prints’ from 19th March to 20th June in the Sir

Hugh Casson Room for Friends. Further prints will be available to view at the London Print Art Fair in April.

Barbara Rae is an artist highly thought of in Britain, a Royal Academician and the recipient of numerous awards

including two doctorates and Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Her work can be found in public collections,

including the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh; the Whitworth, Manchester; Hugh Lane Gallery,

Dublin and the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington.

Illustrations and details of the available works will be on our website: or an illustrated

catalogue is available by request from the gallery:

Adam Gallery, 24 Cork Street, London W1S 3NJ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7439 6633 or

Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10 – 6, Saturday 11-3.