ref: bUs Sep 9-Nov 6 2010 ZEST GALLERY Blast - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index


BLAST! 2010

Cohesion Glass Network - Annual selling exhibition

September 9 November 6, 2010

Zest Gallery is hosting BLAST! - the Cohesion Glass Network's annual selling exhibition, for the

second year running. This exciting collaboration will showcase some of the best British

contemporary glass art, featuring sculptural and wall mounted work selected from Cohesion's

talented members, both newcomers and more established artists.

This year, glass expert and collector Alan Poole is a co-curator of the exhibition. Alan is a

director of North Lands Creative Glass in Lybster, Scotland, and runs Dan Klein Associates,

which has been collecting and promoting British and Irish contemporary glass for three


In close collaboration with Alan, we have selected 16 amazingly versatile artists whose work

embodies a broad spectrum of processes and techniques. Glass is a fascinating medium for

artists to explore and the results can be breathtaking. In the hands of Bruce Marks, a skilled

glassblower with a keen interest in colour, molten glass becomes a solid substantial vessel. By

contrast, Inge Panneels, a pate de verre expert, creates fragile floating vessels, granular and

textured, from the same core substance.

A very special feature of the exhibition is a tribute to Dan Klein, the UK's pre-eminent glass

advocate, writer and collector who died last year. Adam Aaronson's glass studio, adjacent to

Zest Gallery, has made a glass bowl for each of the 16 artists to turn into a unique work of art.

These will be priced at £125 each and the full proceeds of these one-off pieces will be donated

to North Lands Creative Glass for Dan Klein's Memorial Fund.


WEDNESDAY September 8, 6.30-8.30pm

Notes to editors:


During the exhibition, there will be a series of talks by exhibiting artists explaining their

inspirations and making processes. Please contact the gallery for further details.

Cohesion Glass Network

The aim of Cohesion is to assist and support glass businesses and practitioners to develop their

skills, to create new opportunities and to promote the quality and diversity of their work to wider


Cohesion does this by encouraging individual artists to work together with others to explore

markets and selling events that they may not otherwise be able to access as an individual.

Working as a group helps keep costs down and lets makers try out new shows and events in a

cost effective way.

Cohesion underpins this with practical advice and support, help with funding for the development

of new work and an information service that keeps artists abreast of potential commissions,

competitions and events.

Zest Gallery

Zest Gallery, which opened in 2003, brings outstanding British and international glass to a wider

audience through an exciting and varied exhibition programme as well as permanent collections of

work by Adam Aaronson and other top artists.

During the week, visitors can watch glassmakers in action at the adjacent Aaronson Noon Glass

Studio giving people a fascinating insight into the skilled world of glassblowing.

Entrance is free and all work is available to buy from Zest Gallery.

Zest Gallery is open:

Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm

Zest Gallery

Roxby Place



Tel: 0207 610 1900
