ref: e2s Aug 23-29 2010 SEVEN UP 7 Hampshire Artists - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

These seven artists are all members of 2D3DSOUTH Contemporary Arts, a group of Painters,

Printmakers and Sculptors most of whom received their training at Southampton. They exhibit

singly and collectively in the South of England, as far out as Cornwall and The Royal West of England

Academy, and also in London where, more recently, they showed at the Mall Gallery

Jackie Green Jackie uses Still Life as a starting point to obtain different levels of abstraction and

ambiguity. She has a strong affinity with Cornish Art and has working galleries in Penzance and


Wendy Paxford Whilst being inspired by nature and the Landscape Wendy’s work draws upon

memories and experiences rather than specific location.

Isobel Cliff Three extended visits to the Australian Rainforests have left Isobel with powerful

impressions of their multi-layered beauty and mystery and of the presence of their former

aboriginal inhabitants. Her paintings are an emotional response to these.

Jill Jennings Jill is inspired by the coastlines and cliffs of Guernsey and also by patterns and marks

made in the landscape from Pre-historic times, sometimes combining both of these elements.

Pamela Leatherland Pamela’s paintings and glass works are an emotional response to her chosen

theme. She likes to explore the magic and mystery within the subject and to convey these feelings

to the spectator.

Nora Raufast My series of semi- abstract sculptural images was sparked off by visits to Henry

Moores home and studio and his exhibitions at Kew Gardens and the Tate.

Angela Vyvyan The exuberant paintings of 80 years old Gillian Ayres has been the most recent

inspiration for Angela and for her present body of work.
