ref: b3s Nov 10-28 2010 BICHA GALLERY Ends of the Earth - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

Ends of the Earth

An exhibition of digital photography

by Australian artist Dr Lisa Anderson

10 November - 28 November 2010

Opening Reception: Wednesday 10 November, 2010 | 6.30 to 8.30pm

Dr Lisa Anderson, Ends of the Earth–Arctic, Digital photography, 2010

Dr Lisa Andersons exhibition consists of lens-based works bringing together ideas of

photographic truths within narratives of the beauty of places, portraying the world as

being derived from the fission between the clouds and the earth – ‘the rub of weather

that we inhabit and construct’.

In our imaginations, ‘The Ends of the Earth’ are extraordinarily beautiful. They

are places of wildness and mystery. Their light and shadows are a part of another

experience and their stories are always with us.

Through distortion, the artist has manipulated specific events and places creating an

imaginary world that not only embraces the viewer, but also draws them in.

Dr Lisa Anderson, Ends of the Earth - Lake Mungo, 2010

Dr Lisa Anderson, China Red I, 2010

She experiences and explores the ordinary in a variety of scapes – the wild reaches

of the High Arctic, the desert of Lake Mungo in Australia, the urban in Paris and the

resonances of China – enabling her to capture ritual structures through her careful


Anderson has consciously undertaken these journeys creating a body of work that not

only documents the change of weather patterns and the political shifts in people, but

also the connection between the two. To her this ‘visual undertaking is to understand,

explore and represent change as key, in a new possible global gaze’.


For further information, text or images, please contact António Capelão.

Bicha Gallery, 7 Gabriels Wharf, South Bank, London SE1 9PP

Gallery +44 (0)20 7928 0083 | E |

Open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am till 7pm


Bicha represents living contemporary artists from the UK and around the world

working in sculpture, ceramics, drawing, illustration, painting, photography,

printmaking, etching and metal work.

Bicha Gallery | Ends of the Earth | 10 November -28 November, 2010

An exhibition of digital photography by Australian artist, Dr Lisa Anderson

020 7928 0083, 7 Gabriel’s Wharf, South Bank, London SE1 9PP | 11 am - 7pm Tues-Sun

Tube: Waterloo, Embankment, Covent Garden, Southwark.

Affordable Art Fair

Affordable Art Fair Singapore

Friday 19 - Sunday 21 November, 2010

F1 Pit Building, No. 1 Republic Boulevard, Singapore

Private View: Thursday 18 November, 6-10pm

Stand B2

Bicha Gallery continues expansion into Asian art market

Derek Marks, Girls Drawing at Tate Britain, Oil on canvas, 2010

Bicha Gallery are proud to be exhibiting at the first Singapore Affordable Art Fair

taking place 19–21 November in Singapores fantastic F1 Pit building. In just over one

year since launching its South Bank, London gallery, Bicha has participated in eight

European art fairs, held 6 Group Shows, 11 Solo Exhibitions and grown to represent

24 artists.

New artists include; renowned Australian digital artist Dr Lisa Anderson; British

sculpture and lecturer Philip Booth; established British abstract painters Colin

McCallum and David Oates; English painter and watercolour artist Roger Kite;

and emerging British ceramicist Anna Barlow, apprentice of Kate Malone.

These artists add the gallerys far reaching collection of current artists including

John Bryson, John Crossley, Ann Mary Gollifer, Roger Kite, Claire Malet, Derek Marks,

Sally McGill, Annie Parker, Zoë Schieppati-Emery, Daniela Schneider, Eleonore

Pironneau, Anna Toppin and Henry Wilson.

Roger Kite, Tilt, Acrylic & oil on canvas, 2009

Bicha represents living contemporary artists from the UK and around the world

working in sculpture, ceramics, drawing, illustration, painting, photography,

printmaking, etching and metal work.


For further information, text or images, please contact António Capelão.

Bicha Gallery, 7 Gabriels Wharf, South Bank, London SE1 9PP

Gallery +44 (0)20 7928 0083 | E |

Open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am till 7pm


Bicha Gallery | The First Singapore Affordable Art Fair

020 7928 0083, 7 Gabriel’s Wharf, South Bank, London SE1 9PP | 11 am - 7pm Tues-Sun

Tube: Waterloo, Embankment, Covent Garden, Southwark.