At The Pierrepoint Gallery
April 9th for 2 weeks
If you love Fine Art, collect art or invest in art then this is the event for you.
Really good art is hard to find and really good art at collectable prices is even more difficult. I know, I
have to find it. To find so much in one place is a really special opportunity.
The Affordable Collectable Show is a well researched, broad spectrum body of work with something
to please every eye and every purse or wallet (credit/debit cards and cheques also welcome!).
What will you see?
Linocut prints, collographs, block prints, drawings, oils, acrylics, watercolours, bronze sculptures and
ceramics. Mostly unique and some as editions. Some work available unframed. A collection of new
work from 20 artists. Over 200 pieces from established gallery professionals such as John Walker –
linocuts, Mark Sullivan – oils, to first-time-at-The Pierrepoint Rosemary Vanns – acrylics; from the
older and very established Mary Fedden RA to the up and coming Nicole Purdie-Burt and Louise Roll.
Nicole’s funky drawings always amusing sometimes risqué and Louise’s brilliantly observed ‘Bikers
Party’ collection. Sculpture is represented with the introduction of Edward Waites’ miniature
bronzes and the playful bronze animals of Sue Maclaurin.
Prices from £50 to £1000
All this exhibited in a new space at The Pierrepoint which just about doubles the area for the
duration of the show.
Chris Day
The Pierrepoint Gallery
76 South Street
01308 421638