ref: g8q May 19-Jun 23 2012 SAMUEL ROBSON FINE ART Peter Joyce - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

Peter Joyce New Paintings

Portrait of the Marais

19th May - 23rd June

Samuel Robson Fine Art Gallery is in the pretty market town of Oakham, Rutland, and this is the destination

for the exhibition of new paintings by Peter Joyce. This exhibition titled Portrait of the Marais’, presents a

complete survey, a portrait of the Marais Breton Vendéen. For those who have followed Joyce’s work, his

landscapes paintings of this part of France will have begun to feel familiar. However after eight years of

looking, researching, drawing and recording, Joyce now feels that he is closer to his subject. One could

certainly remark that these new paintings appear more abstract than the earlier works. Joyce certainly

wouldnt describe them in this way, as every mark, every brush stroke and every colour is made with the

place firmly in mind. However they are painted in the way that Joyce ‘sees’ using his own unique visual

language, and perhaps, as he is now more familiar with his subject, the paintings are a more accurate

portrait, as experienced by Joyce, rather than more representational. This is because he responds to the

Marais in all it’s guises rather than just from a single viewpoint. This vision and approach could not be better

demonstrated than through these paintings. They are confident, assured and immensely beautiful.

Joyce’s interest in the history of the land is not immediately apparent on looking at his paintings.

He clearly enjoys all the natural drawing; the posts, creeks, paths, cables, wooden remnants, rope and wire

that one can see and find in this extraordinary place and it is these less obvious elements that help to

compose the landscape for Joyce. He is quite clear however, that it is not drawing for drawings sake, it is

these things that create the landscape, marking and punctuating the terrain, giving evidence of previous

times, history revealing itself, if one looks and thinks.

Joyce has explored all corners of this land and shore, in all seasons and all times of day, a practice

necessary he explains in order to paint a complete portrait. Titles are often directly linked to a place name,

a season or time of day something was first observed. Joyce has planned this exhibition with precision, this

will be apparent as one moves from painting to painting and from room to room, and as one would expect,

a variety of sizes and media of paintings are on show. He has worked on different painting surfaces and one

will also see new styles in terms of framing and presentation. This exhibition of new paintings feels

immediately different, exciting, beautiful and even more accomplished.

35 Market Place, Oakham, LE15 6DT

T: 01572 770 095