Jun 30-Jul 4 2015 MALL GALLERIES The 2015 Wildlife Artist of the Year - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

Press release


The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s annual Wildlife Artist of the Year competition has become a major

event in the artists and art-buyers calendar. Attracting artists from around the world, 150 works are shortlisted from

over 1,000 entrants and brought together each summer at London’s prestigious Mall Galleries, SW1 for an amazing

week of wildlife art in support of conservation.

“With a broad spectrum of artistic styles and mediums from amateur and professional artists alike and nine categories,

the competition creates a truly vibrant mix of art to suit all tastes and pockets,” says event organiser, Nina Neve.

The competition forms the heart of the charity’s week of wildlife art at the Mall Galleries and is complemented this

year with original works from three generations of the Shepherd family: David Shepherd CBE, Mandy Shepherd and

Emily Lamb. Joining them in the Threadneedle Space are exciting original works from South African sculptor and 2013

Wildlife Artist of the Year winner, Simon Max Bannister; sculptor and previous winner Adam Binder;

Kent-based artist Sevina Yates and Italian Stefano Zagaglia.

The North Gallery will feature charity postcards from partipating artists and celebrity supporters

plus an awe-inspiring life-size oil painting of a tiger by Richard Symonds created specifically to raise

funds and awareness for the chartity’s TigerTime campaign (www.tigertime.info) working to

save tigers in the wild.

‘Inspired by Art’ - a new collection of beautiful scarves inspired by supporting artists

including Karen Laurence-Rowe and Claire Harkess - will also launch at the event and be

available in the North Gallery.

“The extraordinary talent and creativity of all the artists involved never ceases to amaze me,”

says wildlife artist and conservationist, David Shepherd CBE, who set up the competition in

2007 to raise funds and awareness for endangered animals. “And what is so utterly brilliant is

that all these talented artists share my passion to give something back to the animals that

inspire our work.”

More information at www.davidshepherd.org

Tel: 01483 272323

Press enquiries:

Vicky Flynn 01483 443851 vicky.flynn@davidshepherd.org

Press preview 2-4pm Monday 29 June.

Since it began, Wildlife Artist of the Year has raised over £150,000 for

conservation projects supported by David’s eponymous wildlife charity - the

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF).

“Its a win, win situation,” says Nina Neve. “The artists have the chance

to win an amazing sponsored £10,000 top prize and have their work

exhibited and sold at one of London’s top galleries while DSWF raises

much needed funds to help save critically endangered wildlife like the

elephant, rhino and tiger.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it to London this summer, the full exhibition

catalogue will be available to view online at www.davidshepherd.org from

mid June.

The week of wildlife art at the Mall Galleries, London SW1

Monday 29 June Private Preview and Prizes* with David Shepherd, Deborah Meaden & Jules Knight

Tuesday 30 Saturday 4 Public viewing 10am to 5pm** (4pm Saturday)

Entry by donation

*invitation only

**some late nights tbc - see the website for details

The 2015 Wildlife Artist of the Year is generously supported by:

Mr & Mrs Covey, Tilney Bestinvest, Barlow Robbins, Powertraveller, The Oliver Foundation, SilverSurfers.com, Gary

Hodges, Carol Cordrey, Simon Trapnell and The Artist magzine.

Images shown: Whooper Swans by Dafila Scott -

Inspired by Art scarves - Tigress by Claire Harkess

- House Crows by Karl Taylor - Machali by Jardev

Parsad Soni - Ring Tailed Ride by Nick Mackman

- White Ghost by Atsushi Harada - Autruches by

Francois Gruson