Oct 10-31 2015 FOUNTAIN FINE ART Gareth Thomas - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index

Gareth Thomas Solo Exhibition

10th – 31st October 2015

An exhibition of 30 new landscapes of Wales celebrating Gareth Thomas’ 60th Birthday and 35 years as a

professional painter.

The landscape painter Gareth Thomas has been exhibiting his pictures since the early Eighties and in the

last few years he has been soaring to new heights. Born in Swansea in the spring of 1955, he is marking

his sixty years with a solo exhibition in Llandeilo. For this landmark event, at Fountain Fine Art, he has

produced his latest set of oil paintings of his home patch of Gower (he has resided at Llangennith for the

last twenty-five years or so) and of various other locations in Wales.

On one level, these works are about continuity, because they demonstrate his enduring “love of the act of

painting” and an obvious ability to convey his direct experiences of the natural beauty and drama of his

chosen locations. However, these latest works are also about change, as evidenced by an increased

freedom and fluency. They have a new found maturity and, quite literally, more physical substance. Ceri

Thomas, curator, art historian and artist.

Gareth Thomas has works in numerous public collections including Royal Engineers, Sennybridge; Trinity

College, Carmarthen; Dyfed County Council; Lloyds Bank plc, London Borough of Hackney; Glynn Vivian

Art Gallery, Swansea and the House of Lords, London.

Fountain Fine Art. 115 Rhosmaen Street, Llandeilo, SA19 6EN



01558 824244