Press reIease
September 2, 2017
,Line in Motion,
November 2 – 25th , 2017, at Birch Tree ,yreااaG Edinburgh
Private View: Wednesday, November 1st, 6-8pm
'Line in Motion' is an exhibition ceIebrating graphic representation of movement inspired by nature.
ln her charcoaI drawings and coIIages, Janine BaIdwin, an artist from Scarborough, Yorkshire, uses
Iine to capture a "movement” that is more sensory than visuaI. The naked raku ceramics by Moyra
Stewart - an artist based in Fife, ScotIand - are inspired by bIack, gray and white bands of coIour of
Lewisian Gneiss rock formations. Moyra's Iines resuIt from nature's Iong term evoIution, whereas
Janine's Iines are inspired by swift movements of nature in the present.
Janine BaIdwin has recentIy shifted her interest from painting to graphic work. Her first exhibition in
Edinburgh wiII dispIay charcoaI and pasteI drawings aIong with coIIages. 'ln recent years l feIt l
wanted to fuIIy expIore dry media and how l couId use the paper itseIf to be part of the
artwork, using techniques such as impressed Iines,' - says Janine. She gives credit to Joan EardIey's
greys and muted tones for infIuencing her work and continues to expIore an earthy paIIette, but has
recentIy added more coIour: 'l feII in Iove with pasteIs - their immediacy of coIour aIIows spontaneity
of mark-making, which is important as l seek to capture movement in my drawings.'
Photo: Janine BaIdwin (Ieft); 'Dusk on the Moors ll, (acryIic,
pasteI, charcoaI and graphite coIIage on card), 21 x 26cm
Janine's coIIages IargeIy reIy on juxtaposition of torn and cut edges to create a tension between
shapes. ”…l enjoy the process of adding and subtracting eIements without needing to commit untiI a
finaI decision is made,” - says the artist
Moyra Stewart is known for her Lewisian Gneiss series urns and vases. The oIdest metamorphic
rocks in the UK, found in the Outer Hebrides are the source of her inspiration for the graphic
patterns of her ovaI-shaped vases. 'Being inspired by rock formations Iike Lewisian Gneiss has
made me conscious that even something as apparentIy soIid and ancient and immovabIe Iike biIIion
year oId stone is actuaIIy in fIux too,' - says Moyra.
Photos: Lewisian Gneiss series urns (photo: Shannon Tofts);
Moyra Stewart
AIong with the Lewisian Gneiss series that heIped her win the titIe 'Maker of the Year' 2015 by Craft
and Design Magazine, Moyra wiII aIso be exhibiting her ceramic tiIes. The tiIe-work is more
representative of Iarge expanses of Iand - mountains, hiIIs, cIiffs, and aIso introduces a new
dimension through use of a hint of coIour, just as Janine's pasteI tones add new dimension to her
Both artists wiII attend the opening event and are avaiIabIe for interview/photos.
Contact: Jurgita GaIbraith, Birch Tree GaIIery
0131 556 4000