twenty twenty

Birds of Paradise acryllic on board 46x38cm 2007
Frans Wesselman
Recent Paintings and Stained Glass
6th-31st October 2007
Frans Wesselman was born in Holland after two years conscription into the Dutch army he
gained a diploma in printmaking and photography at Groningen College of Art.
Frans moved to England in 1979 where he has worked and exhibited widely in both one-man
shows and group exhibitions. His paintings and etchings are in private collections as well as in
the Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam museums. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Printmakers.
In 1999, after a visit to Salisbury Cathedral, Frans was particularly struck by "The Prisoners of Conscience" window, painted by Gabriel Loire. In 2000 Frans produced his first work in stained glass. The richness of colour, fine detail and strong graphic style are typical of his work. The subject matter continues his interest in the human form and human relationships. Some pieces are based
on poems and tales; some are directly from his imagination.
twenty twenty
3/4 High Street
Much Wenlock
TF13 6AA
01952 727952