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Gallery: Hang:ups
Exhibition: ‘ART ABOUT THE WOOD‘

Dates: Tuesday 6th –Saturday 10th March 2007

Release date: Immediate
Further Information: hang:ups the new art gallery in the heart of St. Johns Wood is presenting an exhibition titled ‘Art about the Wood’ with new and exciting works by artists either living or working in the surrounding area.  St. Johns Wood has had a long association with the arts and hang:ups intend to hold annual shows to promote the works of the local Arts community.  Paintings, sculpture and ceramics will all be included in the carefully chosen selection of works.

This years’ exhibition will take place from 6-10th March and amongst the artists featured are Charles Foster-Hall, whose work includes superb watercolours of street scenes in and around the local area; Di Hart whose professional use of colour together with strong brushstrokes are fundamental in her magnificent and lively Mediterranean land and seascapes; Janet Haig who creates ceramic pots and torsos in stoneware with unique textured and toned glazed finishes;  Karen Lynn who paints both figurative and abstract colourful paintings many in a retro approach; Liz London whose fashion background shows through in her exciting and vibrant figurative works; Lola Lynton who paints colourful well executed landscapes with the warmth of the sun and an exceptional artist Sandra Shashou whose  current works include abstract paintings with subtle colouration and texture.  There will be a number of works by other local artists included in the display.

47 Charlbert Street, St. Johns Wood, NW8 6JN. Tel 020 7722 9922. Email