ref: iQv Apr 17- May 18 2007 JILL GEORGE GALLERY Chris Orr - return to Galleries PR Index



Aluminium wall sculptures

13 MARCH – 13 APRIL 2007

Jill George Gallery is delighted to announce the latest solo exhibition by Mark Firth, who has been showing at the Gallery since 1996. This exhibition will present a selection of new aluminium wall sculptures.

Over the past decade, Firth has produced sculptures exploring the basic form of the cube, and more works from this ongoing series will be presented in this exhibition. But it also marks a departure in that he will be showing pieces which, although larger, are still based on the proportions of the square. As before, the core material is carefully machined, etched and patinated in a creative process that evokes a tension between aging and pristine freshness, corroded and sparkling smooth, interior and surface.

Aluminium is the material from which precision engines are manufactured and constructed to the finest tolerances. Harnessing a variety of industrial processes, Mark Firth obsessively works this metal in his exploration of the full range of geometric, associative and structural possibilities available. The extreme mathematical precision in the fabrication of each piece is moderated and complemented by the smooth, softer-edged finishes of the completed objects.

Fascinated by the simplicity of minimal forms and their surprising visual complexity, the artist makes us aware of the infinite number of ways in which they can be shaped, reshaped and toned by milling, boring, cutting and turning, and then finished with polished, etched, scribed and textured surfaces. Each individual work is an exploration of basic form which evolves through the activity of its making until considered complete. Placed together, the works assume and generate their own links and associations

A recent commission for the University of Sheffield produced the aluminium channel that forms the core dimension of the new, larger works. Solid, and monumental, with a majestic presence far greater and more imposing than their actual dimensions, Mark Firth has once again articulated a group of exquisite sculptural forms that approach the technical limits of what is possible in this medium.

Instrumental’ is sponsored by the University of Sheffield; Wrigley’s Solicitors, Sheffield; and Moore & Wright

Notes for Editors

  • Born in Londonderry in 1952, Mark Firth initially studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham (1971-2) before studying sculpture at Camberwell School of Art (1972-6) and the Slade School of Art (1976-8). After graduation, he was awarded a travel scholarship to Japan in 1979 and a research grant in 1980. First showed at Jill George Gallery in 1996.

  • His work has been exhibited over the last 27 years throughout the UK, Europe, USA, Canada and Japan.

  • Mark Firth’s work is in numerous private collections in the USA, Australia, Europe, Saudi Arabia and the UK. It is also to be found in the following collections: British Airports Authority, Worcester Park Library, Aldwych House, Beechcroft House, CRT UK Limited, Benchmark plc, Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company (USA), Freshfields, Sony UK, Festival Walk (Hong Kong), Scottish Equitable, AIG Group, Derek Stow and Partners and Prudential plc.

  • A colour publication will accompany the exhibition. Available from the gallery.

  • The Private View for this exhibition will be at Jill George Gallery, Lexington Street, Soho on Tuesday 13 March 2007 from 6-8.30pm.

  • Jill George Gallery began by exhibiting the work of recent graduates and new artists and now shows selected painting and sculpture from a roster of international artists.

If you require any further information or images please contact Jill George Gallery on 020 7439 7319 or email

Jill George Gallery is open weekdays 10am – 6pm, Saturdays 11am – 5pm, Thursdays until 8pm.