Edward Wadsworth (1889 – 1949)
‘The Rhythm of Things’ - Painting
and Drawings
Private View: Wednesday 27 September
Exhibition dates: 27 September – 21 October 2006
Gallery opening: Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday 10am – 2pm
Osborne Samuel will open this important
exhibition of Edward Wadsworth’s work in September of this year. It is a significant exhibition of paintings and drawings by Wadsworth which span the
period from 1907 to 1948 and has been organised in conjunction with the estate
and Dr. Jonathan Black. We will also be launching the new catalogue
raisonné Edward Wadsworth: Form,
Feeling and Calculation – The Complete Paintings and Drawings
by Dr. Jonathan Black, which was published this year. This new exhibition will provide an overview of Edward
Wadsworth’s work and emphasises Osborne Samuel’s continued
commitment to Modern British art. It follows on from the gallery’s
acclaimed Nine Abstract Artists
exhibition in 2005 and Peter Kinley:
Paintings and Drawings in May of this year.
In his introduction to the eagerly anticipated Wadsworth exhibition at Tooth’s Gallery, London, in May 1929, Léonce Rosenberg, a leading
champion of European artistic Modernism, wrote: ‘Wadsworth is not merely the name of a
painter, but also of an event.’ It is a clear indication of how highly
Wadsworth was regarded that Rosenberg, art critic, dealer and publisher of
cutting edge Parisian art journal, the Bulletin
de L’Effort Moderne, should refer to Edward Wadsworth in such
glowing terms. The present exhibition should indeed be regarded as an
‘event’ – the first devoted to Wadsworth
in the UK
in over fifteen years. It provides an excellent opportunity to reassess an
artist who played a leading role in the early Twentieth century revival of
tempera painting, alongside Giorgio de Chirico and Gino Severini, was a key
member of the major British avant-garde art movement of Vorticism and whose powerful
and compelling contribution to pictorial abstraction won the admiration of such
giants of European artistic modernism as Fernand Léger, Max Ernst, Theo
van Doesburg and Wassily Kandinsky – most of whom were introduced to
Wadsworth by Rosenberg in Paris during the late 1920’s.
Dr. Jonathan Black (August 2006)
Dr. Jonathan Black will be giving a talk Visual
Excitement and Delight: Edward Wadsworth and the Challenge of Modernism
on Thursday 5 October at Osborne Samuel gallery. The talk is free and commences
at 6:30pm. To reserve a place for the gallery talk or to order a copy of the
catalogue raisonné or exhibition catalogue contact Lucy Tyler at the
gallery: ltyler@osbornesamuel.com
23a Bruton Street London W1J
t: 020 7493
7939 f: 0207493 7798
The Silent Shore, 1943
61 x 71 cm
exhibited Tate Gallery, London
February - March 1951 (48). Painted spring of 1943.