ref: cYw Oct 25-Nov 3 2006 WOLSELEY FINE ART Moving Sale BACK

*WOLSELEY FINE ARTS announces closure of its London Gallery and move to Herefordshire and a two part MOVING SALE*

/Moving Sale part I - Drawings, painting and sculpture 25 October - 3 November/

/Moving Sale part II - Prints, books and frames 15 November - 24 November/

Included in the part one sale are British works by Ardizzone, Bevan, Dobson, Gill,  Gwen John, Sutherland, Underwood and continental artists Delvaux, Lhote, Kupka, Marquet, Dunoyer de Segonzac,  K X Roussel, Signac and Schuffenicker.

List of items available at discounts of between 25% and 50% will be available 2 weeks before the events.

Wolseley Fine Arts specialises in the sale of 20th century Drawings, prints, paintings and Sculpture and contemporary still life and landscape painting.

WOLSELEY has operated from its charming but small gallery in Notting Hill since 1995 where a full exhibition schedule has been maintained including shows by Eric Gill, David Jones, John Buckland Wright, Pierre Bonnard, Edouard Vuillard, Albert Marquet and in the fields of carved lettering and sculpture.

WOLSELEY is the leading dealer in drawings and prints by most of these artists but due to the increasing difficulty of obtaining supply of works from the early part of the 20th Century, coupled with the the changing nature of the art market, WOLSELEY has decided, with effect from 31 December 2006, to give up its London gallery and operate from new premises in the country.

Although the art market is buoyant, indeed WOLSELEY had a record year in the year to 31 March 2006, trading is taking place primarily at art fairs or as a result of fairs rather than being created by gallery exhibitions. The focus of the market is increasingly towards contemporary art and not "old" art and it is increasing difficult to attract visitors to exhibitions held at the gallery no doubt due to time pressures on potential clients and the ease at which many dealers can be accessed at fairs.

Anther factor that has prompted this radical move is the planned extension to the Congestion Charge zone to West London. Rupert Otten, managing director of Wolseley Fine Arts, in his submission to /The Impact on Business /survey organised by the /London Chamber of/ /Commerce/ said that the extension to the zone would have a serious negative impact on Wolseley's gallery attendance and sales. Furthermore he did not believe that there was any serious congestion in the proposed enlarged zone and that in fact the extension of the zone would export congestion to peripheral areas and key cross routes such as the Shepherd's Bush roundabout, the Embankment and the West Way.

It is clear that the Mayor of London has implemented this scheme despite the overwhelming evidence that it will destroy jobs and undermine sales in this area. Our move demonstrates that this is indeed the case.

On a more positive note WOLSELEY will continue to exhibit at fairs in London - 20/21 British Art Fair, Royal College of Art; Art London, Chelsea; London Art, Islington; the London Original Print Fair in April and at the acclaimed international art fair in Maastricht - the European Fine Art Fair held each March. where we will continue to show new collections of Modern European Art. We will also be able to concentrate on developing contemporary painters who share our values and know how to draw and explore aspects of contemporary European sculpture.

From January 2007 WOLSELEY will operate from a newly developed Gallery and Sculpture park at Middle Hunt House, Walterstone, Herefordshire HR2 0DY. A programme of exhibitions of contemporary paintings and sculpture is planned,  starting in the Spring of 2007.  More details will be distributed nearer the time.

For further information, please contact Rupert Otten or Hanneke van der Werf at Wolseley Fine Arts.


12 Needham Road
London W11 2RP
Tel. +44(0)20 7792 2788 Fax. +44(0)20 7792 2988 <> <>