In these terms & conditions 'Publisher' means 'Barrington Publications'
& 'Advertiser' means the booker of advertising space. Agents shall be
deemed to be acting as principals for all connected purposes & shall be
responsible for payment of all Advertisements booked for as long as the Agent
acts for the Advertiser; thereafter the Advertiser shall be liable. 'Rate
Card' means the Publisher's current scale of charges for Advertisements. 'Advertisement'
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or other 'insert' where appropriate.
2. CONTRACT: The Publisher's issue of a Rate Card does not constitute
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Publisher & the Advertiser.

3. VARIATION: The Publisher's acceptance of all orders for publication is
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4. ACCEPTANCE: The Publisher accepts orders subject to the approval of copy by the Publisher & space being available.

5. OMISSION: The Publisher reserves the right absolutely to cancel any order
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6. ALTERATION: The Publisher reserves the right to modify the space or alter
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7. LIABILITY: The Publisher takes every reasonable care to avoid mistakes.
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8. INDEMNITY: The Advertiser warrants that the Advertisement does not contravene
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fully in respect of any claim made against the Publisher arising from the

9. CANCELLATION: Orders cancelled within 28 days of publication will be subject
to a full charge. To be effective cancellation must be in writing addressed
to the Publisher.

cancels the balance of a contract he relinquishes any right to that series
discount (if any) to which he was previously entitled & Advertisements
will be paid for at the appropriate rate. No refunds will be given for prepaid
series cancelled after publication has begun.

11. LATE COPY: If copy instructions are not received within 28 days of the
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to repeat copy.

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print ready copy is provided charges over and above the cost of space will
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the Advertiser for extra production work due to his act or default.

14. DISCOUNTS & PRE-PAYMENT DISCOUNTS: Series Listing prices include discounts which are given subject to pre-payment or payment by standing order. Display advertisers may be offered a pre-payment discount. Any discount is conditional on payment being made by the due date. Failure to pay by this date will render the full amount due on invoice.

15. PAYMENT TERMS: Unless otherwise indicated by the Publisher, full payment
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Publisher reserves the right to require payment in advance for future bookings,
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is an overdue outstanding balance.

16. AGENCY COMMISSION: Advertising Agents are offered agency commission at
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17. ADMINISTRATION CHARGES: Where copy invoices are requested outside the
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A fee of 25% may be added to any account passed to a solicitor for collection
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18. RUN-ON CARDS: (Reproduction of colour Advertisements on card - any number) The publication of an Advertisement is not contingent
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19. PRINT READY COPY: is taken as a high resolution 'pdf' (or 'jpeg') which can be reproduced in proportion on the type or trim page as is without any alteration. Artwork charges may be applied where copy presented as print ready does not satisfy this criterion.

20. MAP POSITIONS: The indication of the position on
a map of an Advertiser with a full listing is dependent on the existence of
an appropriate map in the magazine & then is only intended as a guide.

21. FURTHER PROMOTION: The Publisher reserves the right to publish Advertisements
additionally on the Publishers Internet site and or third party Internet sites
and by all means in all other media as deemed appropriate except where due
notification has been made by the Advertiser to the contrary and acknowledged
by the Publisher in writing.

22. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES: These conditions & all other terms of
the contract shall be construed in accordance with the Law of England. Notwithstanding
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