Galleries - April 2010

a BONHAMS (Edinburgh) 21/22 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JX Sales. Including jewellery and silver, ceramics and glass, furniture and clocks, pictures and prints, rugs and carpets. Please telephone for viewing times. t 0131 225 2266 b BOURNE FINE ART 6 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ Twentieth Century British Paintings. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–2 t 0131 557 4050 c CHRISTIE’S (Edinburgh) 5 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh EH3 6DH Fine Art Auctioneers. Mon–Fri 9–5 t 0131 225 4756 d DEAN GALLERY Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DS The Gallery of Modern Art: A History. Jan 9–Apr 14. Admn free. Part of the celebrations for its 50th anniversary. Strange Encounters: Davies, Gordon, Boyce, Colquhoun. Feb 27–Jun 27. Admn free. Works using the enigmatic appeal of the mask. Diane Arbus: Photographs. Mar 13–Jun 13. t 0131 624 6200 e DOVECOT 10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LT Kurt Jackson. Apr 7–24. Dovecot, in Sculptural Ceramics: Ceramic art by Andrea Walsh, Justine Allison, Susan Disley and Sara Flynn; Beth Essex: New Jewellery. Mar 26–Apr 13. Kirsty Wither: New Paintings; Carola Gordon: New Works; Clare Malet: New Metal Vessels and Sculptural Works; Joanne Thompson: New Jewellery (until May 25). Apr 16–May 4. EYE TWO 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Ian Hamilton Finlay: Printed Works from the 60s and 70s, produced in collaboration with fellow artists. Mar 26–May 1. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 557 1020 i ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Landings Gallery Over-Seas House, 100 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 3AB KaziSahid (Bangladesh): 2008 ROSL Scholars. Mar 10–May 14. Kazi Sahid’s work explores relational issues between people, man to woman, position to opposition, rich to poor, and one religion to another. His work also reflects his time on ROSL Scholarship at Hospitalfield in Arbroath. Mon–Sat 10–6, admn free t 0131 225 1501 f 0131 226 3936 j THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ ‘Land, Sea and Sky’ –New Paintings by Alison McGill; Edinburgh School: Works on Paper; Clive Bowen: Classic British Studio Pottery. Apr 3–May 1. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 558 1200 f 0131 558 3900 k SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DR To celebrate its 50th anniversary the SNGMA has been re-hung in its entirety. t 0131 624 6200 l SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD Closed for refurbishment until late 2011. t 0131 624 6200 14. GALLERIES APRIL 10 DUNDASSTREET DAVIDSTREET S TV IN CE NTST CH A RLOT T EST G L E NF INL AS S T YOUNG STRE ET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET PRINCESSTREET Q U E E N ST R E ET H E RIOTR O W G REA T KIN GST C UM B ER LA N DS T Q UEENS F E RRYST L E I T H W A L K B R O U GHTON S T U N IO N S T E. L O ND O LON DON S T FE T TE SR OW N ORTHUMBERLA ND S T Y OR K PL ACE LOND O R O Y A L T ER MA R KET S TREET P L E A S A N C ES T L E ON A R D' S C A N D L E M A K E R R O W L O T H I A N R O A D MANOR P LA C E M E LVILLEST W I LL I A M S T S H AN D W I C K P LAC E P L A C E A I N S L I E P L A C E M O R A Y H E N D E N I C OLS O N S T R E E T S O U T H B R I D G E C O W G A TE HO L Y R R E G E N T R O A D HIGH ST R EET T H E M O U N D C A S T L E T E R R A C E B R E A D S T R E E T G R A S S M A R K E T RAE B UR N PL A CE C I R C U S R O Y A L S T S T E P H E N S S T A B E R C R O M B Y P L REGENT GARDENS PRINCES ST GARDENS CASTLE P AL M ERS T O N PL B E L F O R D R O A D HA Y M A R KET T ER R AC E R OA D E L Y B A NK AVE H R D D E A N P A TH Q U E E N S F E R R Y R O A D R A V E I S T O N T E R E R O A D S OUT H NFI N LASST C E UN I O N S T . L O ND D N . S T P L A C E I S L E P R C U S Y E A R O M B Y P L C HA R L OT TE S T D A ST R ET G R T KING ST Q U E ENS F E R Y S T N O RTHUMB RLA ND S T YORK PL C AT E M AN O R AC E B R O U G H T O N ST U N G S TR EE T GEO R GE ST R E E T R O S E STREET PRINCE STREET QUEEN S ET HE R IOT R OW F E TTE S R O W L ON D R O YA L M A RKE T S T P L E A S A N CE ST L G E O R G E L AU N S T ON P L I V B R I D G E L O T H I N R O A D M E LVILL E S T W I L I A M S T MO R RIS O N S T S H AN DW ICK PL ACE HE N D E R O L W A T E L O O P L HIGH STR E ET C T H E M U N D J O H N S T O N T E R R A C E B R E A D S T G R A S S M A R K T RA E BURN P L L E I T H W A L K N I C L SON ST S O U T H B R I D G E D UN D A S 1 a e g d h l k j i f c b Waverley MAP 3 SCOTLAND EDINBURGH Black and White. Mar 30–May 1. Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30, admn free t 0131 550 3660 f THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DF Air Iomlaid (On Exchange). Apr 10–May 9. Education project linking children from Tollcross Primary School, Edinburgh with children from Bun-sgoil Shleite on the Isle of Skye. Mon–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 t 0131 225 2383 g NATIONAL GALLERY COMPLEX The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL The Printmaker’s Art. Feb 20–May 23. Admn free. Works selected from the outstanding NGS collection –includes Dürer, Rembrandt, Goya, Hogarth, Whistler, DY Cameron. Confrontation. Apr 9–Jul 18. Admn free. Juxtaposing Lucas Cranach and Otto Dix. Dance. Apr 24–Jun 6. Admn free. Exploring the theme through artworks from the National Collection. t 0131 624 6200 h OPEN EYE GALLERY 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Abstract Matters: Paintings by invited artists including Alan Shipway, Andrew MacKenzie, James Lumsden, Philip Reeves, Marian Leven, Jenny Smith and Joan Doerr; Alasdair Wallace: New Work;