Galleries - August 2010

31. GALLERIES AUGUST 10 WEST SUSSEX f COWFOLD GALLERY & PRINT WORKSHOP Cowfold, West Sussex RH13 8DU Modern British paintings, drawings and prints. Showing well known and new artists including inexpensive works. Sculpture by Giles Penny. Exclusive Tessa Newcomb prints. Suggest call when visiting t 01403 864237 g SQUARE 1 ART 1 Tarrant Square, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9DE ‘Ego Alter’ is a collaborative exhibition of works by Simon Hitchens and Stig Evans. Jul 10–Aug 30. Simon’s beautiful clear cast resin and stone sculptures explore the spatial meaning of ‘presence and absence’, and Stig’s paintings investigate the physical provenance and perceptual effects of colour and pigment in these impressive and gentle works. Tue–Sat 11–6, & by appt, admn free t 01903 884468 g ZIMMER STEWART GALLERY 29 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9DG ‘Surreal and Beyond – Summer of Art’. Jun 5–Aug 7. Mixed exhibition of painters who also make prints (including etchings, lithographs and screen prints) plus the launch of Ann Sutton’s ‘Painting in Space’ Body Pieces as well as sculpture and ceramics. Arundel Festival Exhibition. Aug 14–30. Abstract landscapes inspired by Terre Rouge in Provence by Barbara Macfarlane with futuristic sculptures in the garden by Stuart Slade. Own Art loans available. *Own Art Tue–Sat 10–5, other times by appt, admn free t 01903 885867 EAST SUSSEX h CHALK GALLERY 4 North Street, Lewes BN7 2PA A unique gallery, run as a co-operative of 21 diverse artists, offering high quality 2D and 3D work. A new hang takes place every six weeks, including featured and guest artists, maintaining a constant level of change and interest. Daily 10–5 i HASTINGS ARTS FORUM 36 Marina, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 0BU Gallery 1 Clive Gross. Photography –‘Rubbish as art’. Jul 28–Aug 11. Heather Hookey: Painting. Aug 12–17. Taster Exhibition for Hastings Open Studios in September. Aug 19–31. Gallery 2 Santiago Alcon –Spanish Artist. Paintings. Aug 1–10. Joan Roche: Prints. Aug 12–24. Beach Art. Sid Beynon and Peter Andow. Aug 26–Sep 7. t 01424 201636 KENT j CASTLE ARTS 76 Castle Street, Canterbury CT1 2QD Gallery and Coffee Bar. Large selection of Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture with several Exhibitions each year. Keep up-to-date with our current work on website. *Own Art t 01227 766616 k FRANCIS ILES GALLERIES Rutland House, 103 High Street, Rochester, Kent ME1 1LX Marine Exhibition with Anthony Flemming, Rowland Hilder, Anthony Osler, Alan Whitehead and many more. From Aug 7. Specialists in Rowland Hilder OBE with recently released family pieces on show. *Own Art available in the Gallery. Full restoration, conservation and framing service available. Mon–Sat 9.30–5.30 t 01634 843081 witty and ever-so-slightly sinister gives Simon Garden's paintings a curious sense of Tolkien meets Brueghel with a dash of Surrealism thrown in. And, as his latest show at Slader's Yard (shared with Alf Stockham and Stephen Jacobson) reminds us, nicely painted too. Julian Meredith seems to be addicted to the large-scale: as well as making gigantic, site- specific installations on themes directly related to his driving passion for natural history –a stone whale on Colonsay was c.500ft long –he regularly produces colossal 30ft long prints from single planks of dead elmwood. His latest print show at North House Gallery covers a huge range of themes, in parti- cular his current passion for sea and river, the patterns of fish and bird migration and the flow of air and water. The outcome is both technically and visually stunning. Nicholas Usherwood