Galleries - August 2010

T H E M A L L C O N S T I T U T I O N H I L L B I R D CA G E W ALK M O TCO M B S T S Q B E L G R A V E P I M L I C O R O A D P I T A L R D B U C K I N G H A M P A L A C E R O A D L Y A L L S TRE E T E C CLE STO N S T E B U R Y B EL G R A VE R O A D S T R E E T R E G E N C Y S T J O H N I S L I P S T E A TO N TCE P EL H A M S L O A N E A V E M I L N E R S T P O N T S T W A LT O N S TR EET N G T O N R D D R A Y C O T T A V E G R O S V E N O R P L V A U X H A L L B R I D G E R O A D M I L L B A N K S LOANE S TREET C H E L S V I C T O R I A S T R E E T K E N S I N G T O N R O A D E X H I B I T I O N R O A D L L R O A D Q U E E N 'S G ATE F U L H A M R O A D B R O M P T O N R O A D B R O M P T O N R D G ' S R O A D HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BUCKINGHAM PALACE GREEN PARK ST JAMES'S PARK a e g d h k j i f c b Victoria Sloane Square Pimlico Knightsbridge S.Kensington Westminster a ARTHUR ACKERMANN /ACKERMANN MODERN Lowndes Lodge Gallery, 27 Lowndes Street, London SW1X 9HY Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Landscapes, Portraits, Marine and Sporting Oil Paintings. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat by appt t 020 7235 6464 f 020 7823 1057 b BONHAMS (Knightsbridge) Montpelier Street, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1HH Regular Sales: Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings, Prints, Frames, Furniture, Art Nouveau & Deco, Tribal Art, Antiquities, Books, Silver, Jewellery, Portrait Miniatures, Clocks and Watches. Oriental, European and Continental Ceramics, Modern and Antique Guns, Arms, Armour and Militaria and Vintage Fountain Pens. Viewing Mon–Fri 9–4.30, Sun 11–3 t 020 7393 3900 f 020 7393 3905 c CADOGAN CONTEMPORARY 87 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3LD Summer Exhibition 2010. Jul 20–Aug 28. Mixed show of our main gallery artists. Mon–Sat 10–6 (7pm by appt) t 020 7581 5451 f 020 7589 3222 d CHRISTIE’S SOUTH KENSINGTON 85 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3LD e CRANE KALMAN 178 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HQ A Summer Selection of 20th Century British and European Art. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7584 7566 MAP 21 LONDON KNIGHTSBRIDGE & BELGRAVIA 38. GALLERIES AUGUST 10 A Terrible Beauty: British Artists in the First World War by Prof. Paul Gough. 336pp, numerous col/b&w ills, Sansom & Co pbk, £29.99 Reading Paul Gough's magisterial and hugely readable account of the story of British Art in the First World War, it comes as something of a shock to realise nothing has really been done (to my knowledge) on this hugely important subject in modern times. One or two surveys –notably Susan and Meirion Harries' 1980s volume on both wars –but nothing remotely with this weight and degree of scholarly authority. The subject of 20th C. war has, interestingly, also been part of Gough's lifelong practice as an artist as well as forming the subject of his Ph.D studies and it is this which gives the book its unique flavour –his sharp insights into how artists' work was continually and necessarily conditioned by the force of extreme circumstances (not to mention bureaucracy!) will affect our future reading of the subject profoundly. Finally there is too the clever chapter divisions on specific subjects –operational front-line studies for example – which make it readable both as discrete essays and as a continuous narrative. NU BOOK review