Galleries - December 2010

MAPS 28 & 29 LONDON ST JAMES’S & TRAFALGAR SQUARE a FINE ART COMMISSIONS 7 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL Commissioning Gallery, representing portrait painters, sculptors, sport- ing and landscape artists. Mon–Thur 10–6, Fri 10–5. t 020 7839 2792 f 020 7839 4477 b GROSVENOR GALLERY 21 Ryder Street, SW1Y 6PX Modern BritishArtists. Nov 23–Dec 22. Gallery specialises in Modern & Contemporary Indian Art, South African Art and Modern British Sculpture. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat 11–4 (during exhibitions) t 020 7484 7979 f 020 7484 7980 c THE ILLUSTRATION CUPBOARD 22 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL 15thAnnual Winter Exhibition: Classic and iconic contemporary book illustration and film animation. Nov 18–Jan 31. t 020 7976 1727 d MARTYN GREGORY 34 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AH Early EnglishWatercolours, British Paintings; also leading specialist in China Trade Paintings and pictures relating to the Far East. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7839 3731f 020 7930 0812 e OAKHAM CONTEMPORARY 27 Bury Street, SW1Y 6AL Christopher Miers. Nov 30–Dec 17. One hundred new works by popular London-based artist –various scenes of Windsor, St James’s Park, Fulham allotments under snow and the Cape coast of South Africa. The entire 49. GALLERIES DECEMBER 10 show can be viewed on our website. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7839 8800 f 020 7976 2266 f RAFAEL VALLS Ltd 11 Duke St, St James’s, SW1Y 6BN Old Masters. 6 Ryder Street, St James’s, SW1Y 6QB Contemporary Shows. ‘Titian at Home’ –Paintings by Alec Cobbe. Dec 9–21. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1 t 020 7930 1144 g ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Over-Seas House, Park Place St James’s Street, SW1A 1LR Michele Fletcher. Sep 20–Dec 3. ROSL Travel Arts Scholar whose paintings are a contemporary exploration of the romantic notion of the sublime. Dreamlike spaces influenced by fairy tales, mythologies, childhood memories of Canada. t 020 7408 0214 ext 324 h STERN PISSARRO GALLERY 66 St James’s Street, SW1A 1NE Lélia Pissarro: ‘The Colours of Silence’. Dec 1–31. Specialising in Camille Pissarro and 3 generations of his descendants with a permanent but ever-changing display of works by 11 members of the Pissarro family. Also some 19th C. European and 20th C. paintings. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 6662 f 020 7409 0077 i WHITFORD FINE ART 6 Duke St, St James’s, SW1Y 6BN 20thC. British& European Paintings and Sculpture including Post War Abstraction, Pop Art, French Cubism and Modernism. Aboriginal Art. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7930 9332 f 020 7930 5577 a JILL GEORGE GALLERY 38 Lexington Street, Soho, W1F 0LL Christmas Show with Coriander Studio Prints. Nov 23–Dec 24. Annual Christmas Show. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur until 8, Sat 11–5 tube Piccadilly Circus & Oxford Circus t 020 7439 7319 b MacDOUGALL ARTS LTD 30A Charles II Street, SW1Y 4AE Russian Art Auctions. Dec 1–2. Russian Classic and Contemporary, Dec 1 (10.30); Russian Works on Paper, Dec 2 (10.30), Russian Icons and Works of Art, Dec 2 (2.30). Viewing Nov 26–30, catalogues can be ordered online. t 020 7389 8160 f 020 7389 8170 c MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Square) London SW1 New EnglishArt Club. Nov 26–Dec 5. Exceptionally high standard of entries from members and non-members, this year with two cash prizes of £5,000 each, awarded by Ronnie McIntosh and David Messum. Buy online at: Daily 10–5 (1pm last day) admn £2.50 concs £1.50 (free to FBA Friends, Art Fund Members, Westminster Res-card holders and u-16s) Royal Institute of Oil Painters. Dec 8–19. Devoted exclusively to oil painting – a wide variety of contemporary land- scape, figurative and still life work by some of the finest practitioners of the medium. Daily 10–5 (1pm last day), admn £2.50 concs £1.50 (free to FBA Friends, Art Fund Members, Westminster Res-card holders and u-16s) t 020 7930 6844 d THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DN Venice: Canaletto and his Rivals. Oct 13–Jan 16. Sainsbury Wing, admn charge. The finest assembly of Venetian views in a generation, featuring master- pieces by Canaletto, Luca Carlevarijs, Michele Marieschi, Bernardo Bellotto and Francesco Guardi. Bridget Riley: Paintings and Related Work. Nov 24–May 22. Sunley Room, admn free. Investigating how Riley’s work relates to the National Gallery’s collection; featuring recent paintings and two wall drawings. Daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 020 7747 2885 Gallery Information P I C C AD I LL Y A R CAD E P A R K P L S T J A M E S ' S P L R YD ER S T R E E T BU R Y STREE T D U K E S T R E E T K I N G S T R E E T JERMY N ST R EET PI ST JAMES'S ST R EET MASON'S YARD a e g d h i f c b ST JAMES'S ST JAMES’S K INGST M ARSHA L L S T C O C K S P U RS T N O RTH UMBE R LA N DAV E . OLDCOMPT O NST B OR OUGHS T B E A K ST REG E NT JER M YNSTREET C A R L T O N HS E . TE R. H A Y M A R K E T W HIT MALL P A L L M A L L B E D F O RD ST F LO R ALS T T EN LLSTREET SAIN TM A RT I N ' SL AN E S HEL TON S T A RI N S S R D H S T S T D RE ET WA S TR EET B STREET L EXI N GTO N ST PO L A N D C H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D B RE W E RS T L O N G A C R E S T R EE T S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E S T R A N D S H A R Y A P I C C A DI LLY O R I A Coven Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square Charing Cr a d c b TRAFALGAR SQ S T Y AP 28 M M ES’ S TRAFALGAR SQ