Galleries - January 2010

a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH New ‘List’ Out Friday Jan 15. Drawings by FrederickRichard Pickersgill RA (1820–1900). t020 7637 3981 f 020 7631 0575 b AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard 68/69 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BN Aspects of Modern British & Irish Art. Through January. At London Art Fair, Jan 13–17, Stand 36. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, Sat11–2.30 (during exhibs) tubeHolborn, Tottenham Court Road t020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 c CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, London W1T 1DD Mystery, Magic and Merriment: Unlocking the secrets of gift giving. Until Jan 16. Domestic Contemporaries. Jan 22–Feb 13. Exploring contemporary tableware in Ceramics, Glass and Silver, featuring new work by more than 16 CAA members with a breadth of scaleand price. Mon–Sat10–6 t020 7436 2344 d CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street (off Charlotte Street) London W1T 2JR Hot Off The Press 10. Jan 7–30. Exhibition of work by Recent MA Printmaking Graduates. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat11–5 tubeGoodgeStret t020 7323 4700 f 020 7436 3059 e DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, London W1T 4RJ Jacquie Boyd: TheSecond Dimension. Until Jan 16. Dramatically kitsch graphic acrylic paintings influenced by retro teenage romance comics and fused with Jacquie’s comment on superficiality. Jeremy Curl – explorer and photographer – ‘The Place Between’. Jan 18–30. Exhibition of photographs from his travels around the world, with a 41. GALLERIES JANUARY 10 O L D GL OUC E S T E R S T G TORMONDST R E D L I O N B E D F O R D R O W S Q U A R E B EDFORDPL M U S E U M L I N C OL N 'S I N N FIE L D S W I N D M ILL C H ENI E SS T S T S T SQ U A R E R U S S E L L MO N TAG U E ST REE T S TO R E S T HOWLAN D ST MO NT A GU E P L G R E A T R US SE LL S T GUI L FO R D STREET G T S T J A M E S S T B L O O M SBU RY KIN GS B E R N ERS S T N E W M A N S T B Y N G P L A C E BEDFORD W AY M A L ET ST R E E T M APLE S T R E ET WH IT FIELD S TR E ET GR AFT ON WA Y M ORTIMER S T G O O DG E S T C H A R L O T T E S T GOWER STREET N P L AC E S OU T HAM PTO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A MB' S C O NDUIT ST RED LION ST W A Y CLEV E L A ND S TREET GT . TITCHF I ELD ST T PO RT L A N D S TR E E T OXFORD STREET N EW O XFOR D ST RE E T HOLB O R N TOTT E NHA M CO U R T ROAD E U S T O N BRITISH MUSEUM UCL Tottenham Court Rd E Russell Sq Holborn Goodge St Warren St a e g d f c b h h MAP 26 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA particular focus on indigenous peoples. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Satby appt t020 7636 7478 f THE GALLERY AT 94 94 Cleveland Street, Fitzrovia London W1T 6NW Silent Abstractions. Until Jan 15. Featuring the work of Mandy Wilkinson, Matthew Bourne and the Glass Sculptures of Silvio Vigliaturo. Tue–Thur 10.30–5.30, or by appt Special lunchtime menu offer at VANILLA for all visitors to this show. t020 7388 7868 g OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AL Transvangarde. Until Jan 30. Featuring a new metal sculpture by El Anatsui, selected works of William S Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Rachid Koraïchi, Aubrey Williams, Gerald Wilde, Huang Xu and Kenji Yoshida. Tue–Sat12.30–5.30 tubeHolborn/Russell Square t020 7242 7367 h REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY 2a Conway Street, Fitzrovia, London W1T 6BA Gilchrist Fisher Award. Jan 29–Nov 30 2010. t020 7436 4899 REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY AT CHARLOTTE STREET 28 Charlotte Street, W1T 2NA Winter Selection: Mixed Artists. Jan 7–24. At London Art Fair, Jan 13–17 and LA Art Show, Jan 20–24. Mon–Sat10–6 t020 7255 2828 VALERY KOROSHILOV ‘The storytelling aspect of these pictures is less important for me than their formal qualities, such as colour, texture, structure of the pictorial space. The narration, which is at the heart of the traditional figurative approach, concerns me only as a hint of an attitude to the human condition.’ 'Daniel', from the solo exhibition in Baker Tilly, London ‘ inside track ’