Galleries - January 2010

a ALLA BULYANSKAYA GALLERY 31 Bury Street, St James’s SW1Y 6AU Russian Contemporary Original Paintings, Graphics andSculpture. Mon–Fri 11–6 t 020 7930 8100 f 020 7930 8103 b CHRISTIE’S (StJames’s) 8 KingStreet, St James’s SW1Y 6QT t 020 7839 9060 c FROST AND REED 2–4 KingStreet, St James’s SW1Y 6QP Winter Show: Oils, watercolours anddrawings by Post Impressionists and19th/20th Century French and European artists including Bail, Boudin, Dufy, Grosz, Kisling, Maufra, van Rysselberghe, Schwitters and Valadon. Contemporary artists include Nigel Ashcroft, Christine Bigmore, Simon Casson, Kate Giles, Christopher Glanville, Karen Gunderson, Jeannette Hayes, Yuri Krotov, Peter Kuhfeld, Christine Lafuente, James Leggat, Lynda Minter, Lynne R Moore, John Ross, RichardJ Smith andAndrew Stock. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7839 4645 d GROSVENOR GALLERY 21 Ryder Street, SW1Y 6PX Sunil Gupta: The New Pre- Raphaelites. Jan 12–30. Gallery Specialisms include Modern & Contemporary Indian Art, South African Art and Modern British Sculpture. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat 11–4 (during exhibs) t 020 7484 7979 f 020 7484 7980 48. GALLERIES JANUARY 10 MAPS 31 & 32 LONDON ST JAMES’S & TRAFALGAR SQUARE e THE ILLUSTRATION CUPBOARD 22 Bury Street, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL The 14th Annual Winter Exhibition. Until Jan 31. 500 original artworks by 60 leading international artists, with a special focus on Maurice Sendak, rare artwork by Hergé, new artwork by Shirley Hughes. t 020 7976 1727 f MARTYN GREGORY 34 Bury Street, St James’s SW1Y 6AH Early EnglishWatercolours, British Paintings; also leading specialist in China Trade Paintings andpictures relating to the Far East. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7839 3731 f 020 7930 0812 g OAKHAM CONTEMPORARY 27 Bury Street, SW1Y 6AL The Scottish Show. Jan 27–Feb 19. The cream of contemporary Scottish painting – over 100 works by 50 artists, from realism to abstraction; prices begin at £450. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7839 8800 f 020 7976 2266 h ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Over-Seas House, Park Place St James’s Street, SW1A 1LR ROSL Annual Music Competition Photographic Exhibition. Jan 26–Mar 19. To celebrate the cen- tenary of the ROSL andthe 58th ROSL Annual Music Competition, black andwhite photographs of recent finalists will be on display. Daily 10–6, admn free web t 020 7408 0214 ext 324 i STERN PISSARRO GALLERY 66 St James’s Street, SW1A 1NE Specialising in Camille Pissarro and 3 generations of his descendants with a permanent but ever-changing display of works by eleven members of the Pissarro family. Also some 19th C. European and20th C. paintings. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 6662 f 020 7409 0077 j WHITFORD FINE ART 6 Duke St, St James’s SW1Y 6BN 20thC. British& European Paintings andSculpture including Post War Abstraction, Pop Art, French Cubism andModernism. Aboriginal Art. At the London Art Fair (Jan 12–17, Islington, Stand44). Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7930 9332 f 020 7930 5577 a JILL GEORGE GALLERY 38 Lexington Street, Soho W1F 0LL ‘The Figure Show’. Jan 6–Feb 12. Annual Exhibition of work basedon the Figure. At the London Art Fair (Jan 12–17, Islington, Stand43). Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur until 8, Sat 11–5 tube Piccadilly Circus & Oxford Circus t 020 7439 7319 b THE MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Square), SW1 Designer Crafts. Jan 6–17. (Closes 4pm final day.) The Society of Designer Craftsmen present superb contemporary textiles, furniture, jewellery, glass, metal andceramics to purchase or commission. Also includes the Shop within the Show. Admn £4, concs £3, including illus- tratedcolour catalogue. Daily 10–5, free except where indicated above t 020 7930 6844 c THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DN The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture 1600–1700. Until Jan 24. Sainsbury Wing, admn charge. Religious masterpieces by Velázquez andZurbáran juxtaposedwith poly- chrome sculptures by Juan Martínez Montañés andFrancisco Pacheco. The Making of a Spanish Poly- chrome Sculpture. Until Jan 24. Room 1, admn free. Revealing the technical processes involvedin creating paintedwooden sculptures. Kienholz: The Hoerengracht. Until Feb 21. A contemporary evocation of Amsterdam’s red-light district draws on an oldtheme of European art. Sunley Room, admn free. Daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 020 7747 2885 Gallery Information P I C C AD I LL Y P R IN C E'S A R C A D E A R CAD E P A R K P L E S ' S P L R YD ER S T R E E T BU R Y STREE T D U K E S T R E E T K I N G S T R E E T JERMY N ST R EET PICCADILLY ST JAMES'S ST R E MASON'S YARD a e g d h j i f c b ST JAMES'S ST JAMES’S M CT NEWOXFORDSTREE BL O R L O TT E S T S T WMANS T K INGST M ARSHA L L S T C O C K S P U RS T N O RTH UMBE R LA N DAV E . OLDCOMPT O NST LB OR OUGHS T B E A K ST REG E NT JER M YNSTREET R L T O N HS E . TE R. H A Y M A R K E T W H P A L L M A L L B E D F O RD ST F LO R ALS T NEALST ENDELLSTREET SAIN TM A RT I N ' SL AN E S HEL TON S T C H A RI NG CRO S S R D F RITH S T G R E EK S T D E A NST RE ET WA R DOU R S TR EET B ER WICKSTREET L EXI N GTO N ST PO L A N D C H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D B RE W E RS T L O N G A C R E T S T R EE T S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E S T R A N D S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E OXFO R D ST R E E T P I C C A DI LLY I A Coven Piccadilly Circus Tottenham Ct Rd Leicester Square T Charing a c b TRAFALGAR SQ Y S T AP 30 M JA M ES’ S TRAFALGAR SQ