Galleries - June 2010

Kevin Page Oriental Art Paretski Antiques Salon Contemporary Annya Sand at West-Eleven Bernard Shapero Rare Books Sherman and Partners International Ceramic Art Tabunov & AASN Rupert Smith Textiles Sphinx Fine Art Svenska Konstgalleriet UK Fine Arts West-Eleven White Space Gallery World-Arts For full entry details and entry offer for two people see page 5 Hay Hill Gallery HK Fine Art Inspired by Russia Project Kent Antiques Kings Road Gallery & Tanya Baxter Contemporary Victoria Kovalenchikova Gallery Lavrekha & Monasch Lotus Asian Art Brian MacDonald Antique Carpets Made in Russia Icons Moiseikin Russian Luxury Jacques Monasch Art Gallery Sydney L. Moss Ltd. Nina Gallery Oc-Eo Art Oriental Antiques RUSSIAN, EASTERN & ORIENTAL FINE ART FAIR 9-12 June 2010, Park Lane Hotel, London W1 Albemarle Gallery Art 1821 Artatt ArteLia Artige Gallery ArtsRepublik Asian Art Newspaper John Barkes David Brower Antiques Catto Gallery Chaucher Fine Arts Danusha Fine Arts Durlacher Fine Art Eton Gallery Fine Paintings Gallery Cambridge Hampstead Gallery Mariana Hasledine Projects Images from top left: ‘Pink Twin Purple Twin’, Catto Gallery Lian Jian, ‘Untitled’, King’s Road Gallery Auguste Rodin,‘Nijinsky’, Hay Hill Arshal Sarkissian, ‘Green Fish’, Albemarle Gallery Founded only last year as the Russian Fine Art Fair, this event has already begun to spread its wings, this time around expanding its scope to include Eastern and Oriental galleries and dealers as well. Housed in the Art Deco ball- room of the Park Lane Hotel and including dealers from Beijing, Moscow, Paris and Beverly Hills, the show includes a huge range of styles and materials – Byzantine Russian icons to contemporary Chinese art, Turkmenistan tapes- tries to Vietnamese paintings on silk and Japanese 18th C. wooden sculpture. Many of these will form part of a spectacular foyer exhibition covering some 1000 years of craftsmanship from across the Eastern world. Most of the specialist London dealers in these fields will, of course, be there as well as a strong cross-section of those whose interests also take in inter- national contemporary and fine art – this is a fair, after all, which has the large and very wealthy inter- national colony of international that now makes London one of its favoured homes very much in mind. Hay Hill, for example, who have a spectacular display of Andy Warhol drawings and silks- creens (born Warhola, he emigrated from Slovakia, so a Russian connection of a sort here!) and Rodin bronzes that includes one of the dancer Nijinsky. Albemarle, Catto, King's Road, UK Fine Arts and Oc-Eo are also here in strength – in short enough variety to suit a very wide range of interests!