Galleries - March 2010

ADVANCED GRAPHICS LONDON - Stand L14 Artists include Paul Benjamins, Neil Canning, Anthony Frost, John Gray, Clyde Hopkins, Alan Kitching, Ray Richardson Image 1 : Paul Benjamins, OBX IV , 2009, monoprint BO LEE GALLERY - Stand H8 Artists include Seonna Hong, Nate Frizzell, Gill Rocca, Meryl Donoghue, Rainer Elstermann, Mia Brownell, Chris Anthony, Aleix Plademunt, Yuko Nasu, Jonny Carter Image 2 : Seonna Hong, Meet Me By The Pond Mama CAPITAL CULTURE - Stand D10 Artists include John Kenny, Monica Denevan, David Zimmerman, James Sparshatt, Rachael Dalzell Image 3 : John Kenny, Hamer Girl 1 CYNTHIA CORBETT GALLERY - Stand H12 Artists include Deborah Azzopardi, Charlotte Bracegirdle, Maisie Broadhead, Andy Burgess, Cecile Chong, Tom Leighton, Boyarde Messenger, Ali Miller, Klari Reis, Antonia Tibble Image 4 : Deborah Azzopardi, BBrrrinnngggg , 2009, screen print, 36 x 36ins DAVID LILFORD FINE ART - Stand G3 Artists include Elizabeth Akehurst, Billy Childish, Frank Hirshfield, Ric Horner, David Lloyd, Sue Moffitt, Clive Soord, Jonathan Stewardson, Lindsay West, Oliver Winconek Image 5 : Oliver Winconek, Nikki - Ice , spray paint on canvas, 760 x 1210mm EDGAR MODERN - Stand F11 Artists include Dominic Hills, Henrietta Dubrey, Orlanda Broom, Espen Erichsen, Michael Victor, Jessica Slater, Dan Parry-Jones, Mungo Powney Image 6 : Orlanda Broom, Corolla Puffs , oil on canvas, 8 0 x 8 0cm ENID LAWSON GALLERY - Stand L2 Artists include Cathie Bleck, Theo Booth, Bruno Cavellec, James Clarke, Susan Evans, Nagib Karsan, Andrew Mc- Neile Jones, Andrew Painter, Simon Taylor Image 7 : Andrew McNeile-Jones, In the Quiet of the Night, oil on canvas, 91 x 61cm FRANCIS ILES GALLERIES - Stand B5 Artists include Billy Childish, Jeremy Sanders, Jon Gubbay, Belinda Sillars, Venita Sayer, Wendy Smith Image 8 : Billy Childish, Beseeching The Sun , watercolour GALLERY KALEIDOSCOPE - Stand A4 Artists include John Afflick, John Bellany, Muriel Barlow, Pierce Casey, Fraser Crawford, Inge Clayton, John Duffin, Helen Rogers, Peter McCann, Janice James Image 9 : Fraser Crawford, Woman with Fox , oil on canvas, 24 x 30ins 4 7 5 6 2 8 3 1 17 GALLERIES @ AFFORDABLE ART FAIR