Galleries - March 2010

a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, WC1A 1LH New List out on Mar 5 introducing 200 new works to stock. Wewill beat theBADA Fair, Dukeof York’s Headquarters, Chelsea, Mar 17–23. Gallery open as usual. t 020 7637 3981 f 020 7631 0575 b AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard, 68/69Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BN Seven British Artists in Milan 1965–1975. Mar 5–Apr 2. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, Sat 11–2.30 (during exhibs) tubeHolborn, Tottenham Court Road t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 c CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, W1T 1DD ‘Intelligent Trouble’. Feb 19–Mar 20. Addressing the issues around collaboration, trust, discussion and interaction. Artists Helen Carnac, David Clarke, David Gates and Lin Cheung. Focuses (downstairs): Karen Bartlett (Jewellery), Ashley Howard, Mo Jupp (Ceramics). The Honey Bee and The Hive – curated by Wendy Ramshaw. Mar 20–May 1. The bee as inspiration for never-seen- before work from 24 top designer/ makers. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 74362344 d CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street (off Charlotte Street) W1T 2JR Robin Richmond: ‘Stones of the Sky’ (Artist’s talk, Mar 18, 7pm) and Phoebe Dingwall: ‘Kilmory Strand’. Mar 4–27. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 tubeGoodgeStret t 020 7323 4700 f 020 74363059 e DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RJ Eve Lin. Feb 28–Mar 6. Launch of couture fashion garments collection. Toby Morison: Paintings of India. Mar 7–13. Leading illustrator exhibits latest works. Wild Light! Kathleen D’Oré. Mar 14–27. Supported by The Trafalgar Partnership LLP. Includes largescalelight box works. Go Red! ThePartners with The Richard HouseCharity for children with serious health conditions. Exhibition of works by leading 47. GALLERIES MARCH 10 O L D GL OUC E S T E R S T G TORMONDST R E D L I O N S Q U A R E B EDFORDPL M U S E U M L I N C OL N 'S I N N F W I N D M ILL C H ENI E SS T S T S T SQ U A R E R U S S E L L MO N TAG U E ST REE T S TO R E S T HOWLAN D ST MO NT A GU E P L G R E A T R US SE LL S T GUI L FO R D STREET G T S T J A M E S S B L O O M SBU RY KIN GS B E R N ERS S T N E W M A N S T B Y N G P L A C E BEDFORD W AY M A L ET ST R E E T M APLE S T R E ET WH IT FIELD S TR E ET GR AFT ON WA Y M ORTIMER S T G O O DG E S T C H A R L O T T E S T GOWER STREET N P L AC E S OU T HAM PTO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A MB' S C O NDUIT ST RED LION ST W A Y CLEV E L A ND S TREET GT . TITCHF I ELD ST G R E A T PO RT L A N D S TR E E T OXFORD STREET N EW O XFOR D ST RE E T HOLB O R TOTT E NHA M CO U R T ROAD E U S T O N BRITISH MUSEUM UCL Tottenham Court Rd E Russell Sq Holborn Goodge St Warren St a e g d f c b h h MAP 26 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA illustrators. Mar 28–Apr 3. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat by appt t 020 7636 7478 f THE GALLERY AT 94 94 Cleveland Street, 1T 6NW Caroline Hall - Helen Brough - Nadia Kisseleva. Feb 4–May 4. This new exhibition brings together the diverse talents of three leading female artists, with their distinct styles. Caroline’s vivid abstract colours, Helen’s seductive pastel forms, and Nadia’s startling figurative and landscapeworks. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, all other times by appt only t 020 7388 7868 g OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester St, WC1N 3AL Aubrey Williams: Now & Coming Time. Feb 4–Apr 3. Extraordinary paintings from oneof the20th Century’s great artistic spirits, including works from the Olmec Maya Series. Tue–Sat 12.30–5.30 tubeHolborn/Russell Square t 020 7242 7367 h REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY 2a Conway Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 6BA Botswana Exhibition. Feb 11–Mar 14. Petra McCarthy: Fast Forward. Mar 19–Apr 12. t 020 74364899 REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY AT CHARLOTTE STREET 28 Charlotte Street, W1T 2NA Phil Shaw: Untitled. Mar 4–27. Mon–Sat 10–6 At AffordableArt Fair, London, Stand G14, Mar 11–14 and Glasgow Art Fair, Stand 38A, Mar 25–28. t 020 7255 2828 LISA WRIGHT PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 4 MARCH—10 APRIL 2010 catalogue available FloatingBeyond 2009 monotype 25 25cm