Galleries - May 2010

lithographs. Members ofLAPADA and Society ofLondon Art Dealers. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat by appt t 020 7235 0010 f 020 7823 1378 h MAUGER MODERN ART 81 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1LJ Manolo Chretien: ‘Nouveaux Nez’. May 12–Jun 30. A witty study of31 aircraft noses amassed over a ten-year photographic quest. Grandson ofan astronaut and son ofa pilot, he draws from childhood memories ofthe sights, smells and sound ofaviation to create playful, life-like images, printed on 1cm thick brushed aluminium. Tue–Sat 11–6 t 020 7233 8755 m 07590 527332 i OSBORNE STUDIO GALLERY 2 Motcomb Street, London SW1X 8JU Tatyana and Tutus. May 12–22. Exhibition ofnew sculptures by Jonathan Wylder alongside a collection ofpaintings and drawings ofballet dancers and the female form by leading Russian contemporary artists. t 020 7235 9667 f 020 7235 9668 j 12 STAR GALLERY European Commission, 8 Storey’s Gate, London SW1P 3AT Antifascistas: British and Irish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. May 5–14. Photographs bringing to life the idealism, commitment and sacrifice of those who served in the International Brigades. Islands of Memory – Paintings by Allegra Betti van der Noot. May 19–28. A journey through the artist’s inner world and memory. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7973 1992 k TATE BRITAIN Millbank, London SW1P 4RG Chris Ofili. Until May 16. Admn £10 (concs £8.50). Douglas Gordon. Until May 16. Admn free. Henry Moore. Until Aug 8. Admn £12.50 (concs £11). Art and the Sublime. Until Feb 13, 2011. 7 days a week 10–5.50, to 10pm 1st Fri of month t 020 7887 8888 (bookings and information) l VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL Horace Walpole and Strawberry Hill. Mar 6–Jul 4. £6, concs available. Quilts 1700–2010. Mar 20–Jul 4. £10, concs available. Grace Kelly: Style Icon. Apr 17–Sep 26. £6, concs available. Design for Life. Apr 26–Jun 6. Admn free. Daily 10–5.45, & 10–10 every Fri General admn free, but separate charges may apply to exhibitions. Further info: t 020 7942 2000 45. GALLERIES MAY 10 MAP 22 KNIGHTSBRIDGE $ 57 ) $ ,5 %$ 77 ( 5 6($ F RQWH P SR U D U\ 0D\ )UL SP 6DW 6XQ DP SP 3$ ,17 ( 5 6 6 &8/ 3 725 6 3 5,17 0$.( 5 6 3 +272*5 $3 + ( 5 6 (QMR\LQJ DQ HQYLDEOH UHSXWDWLRQ IRU RIIHULQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ ZRUN WKH %DWWHUVHD &RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW )DLU UHPDLQV RQH RI WKH ODUJHVW DUWLVWV¶ DUW IDLUV LQ WKH 8. ZLWK RYHU DUWLVWV VHOOLQJ GLUHFW WR WKH SXEOLF 3ULFHV IURP…WR… % DWWH UV HD 2OG 7RZQ +DOO /D Y HQGH U +LOO /RQGRQ 6 : $ GX O WV & RQFHVVLRQV $ FFRPSDQ L HG FKLOGUHQ XQGHU ) 5 (( )RU I XU W KHU L Q I RUPD WL RQ 7(/(3 +21 ( ZZZ EFD I LQ I R MATHAF GALLERY 24 MOTCOMB STREET LONDON SW1X 8JU Tel: + 44 (0)20 7235 0010 w Peter Upton ‘Piaffe-grey stallion’, oil on canvas, 15½ x15½ inches PETER UPTON Out of the Desert 5-21 May