Galleries - November 2010

MAPS 28 & 29 LONDON ST JAMES’S & TRAFALGAR SQUARE a FINE ART COMMISSIONS 7 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL Commissioning Gallery, representing portrait painters, sculptors, sporting and landscape artists. Mon–Thur 10–6, Fri 10–5. t 020 7839 2792 f 020 7839 4477 b GROSVENOR VADEHRA 21 Ryder Street, SW1Y 6PX Gallery specialises in Modern & Contemporary Indian Art, South African Art and Modern British Sculpture. Angeli Sowani: Vaahan. Nov 3–17. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat 11–4 (during shows) t 020 7484 7979 f 020 7484 7980 c THE ILLUSTRATION CUPBOARD 22 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL Inga Moore: The Secret Garden. Oct 20–Nov 13. t 020 7976 1727 d MARTYN GREGORY 34 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AH Early English Watercolours, British Paintings; also leading specialist in China Trade Paintings and pictures relating to the Far East. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7839 3731f 020 7930 0812 e OAKHAM CONTEMPORARY 27 Bury Street, SW1Y 6AL Suzy Murphy. Nov 5–26. Show of new works, a mixture of large snowy land- scapes & figurative paintings, inspired by her childhood in Canada. The themes are extracted from her sketch- book diary which is illustrated in the catalogue alongside her paintings. The entire show can be viewed on our website. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7839 8800 f 020 7976 2266 53. GALLERIES NOVEMBER 10 f RAFAEL VALLS Ltd 11 Duke St, St James’s, SW1Y 6BN Old Masters. 6 Ryder Street, St James’s, SW1Y 6QB Henry Koehler. Nov 9–20. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1 t 020 7930 1144 g ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Over-Seas House, Park Place St James’s Street, SW1A 1LR Michele Fletcher. Sep 20–Dec 3. ROSL Travel Arts Scholar whose paint- ings explore the romantic notion of the sublime. Dreamlike spaces of height- ened colour are influenced by fairy tales, mythologies and her memories of childhood landscape in Canada. t 020 7408 0214 ext 324 h STERN PISSARRO GALLERY 66 St James’s Street, SW1A 1NE Specialising in Camille Pissarro and 3 generations of his descendants with a permanent but ever-changing display of works by eleven members of the Pissarro family. Also some 19th C. European and 20th C. paintings. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 6662 f 020 7409 0077 i WHITFORD FINE ART 6 Duke St, St James’s, SW1Y 6BN 20th C. British & European Paintings & Sculpture including Post War Abstraction, Pop Art, French Cubism & Modernism. Aboriginal Art. Kudditji Kngwarreye: My Country. Oct 15–Nov 5. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7930 9332 f 020 7930 5577 a ING DISCERNING EYE Mall Galleries, SW1 Sponsored by ING Wholesale Banking. Exhibition of small works independ- ently selected by six prominent figures from the art world: two artists, two coll- ectors and two critics. Nov 11–21. *ad Daily 10–5, admn free t 01372 462190 b JILL GEORGE GALLERY 38 Lexington St, Soho, W1F 0LL Chris Orr RA: ‘London & New York, Work & Play’ – Drawings & Prints. Until Nov 13. Christmas Show with Coriander Studio Prints. Nov 23–Dec 24. Annual Christmas Show. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur until 8, Sat 11–5 tube Piccadilly Circus & Oxford Circus t 020 7439 7319 c MacDOUGALL ARTS LTD 30A Charles II Street, SW1Y 4AE Russian Art Auctions. Dec 1–2. Russian Classic and Contemporary, Dec 1 (10.30); Russian Works on Paper, Dec 2 (10.30), Russian Icons and Works of Art, Dec 2 (2.30). Viewing Nov 26–30, order catalogues online. Exhibition: The Enigma of Nicholas Roerich. Nov 1–12. *ad t 020 7389 8160 f 020 7389 8170 a MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Sq), SW1 Sunday Times Watercolour Competition. Nov 1–7. Largest water- colour competition in the UK. 10–5 ING DiscerningEye. Nov 11–21. *ad New English Art Club. Nov 26–Dec 5. Exceptionally high standard of entries from members and non-members, this year with two cash prizes of £5,000 each, awarded by Ronnie McIntosh and David Messum. Buy online at Daily 10–5 (1pm last day), admn £2.50 concs £1.50 (free to FBA Friends, Art Fund Members, Westminster Res-card holders and u-16s) t 020 7930 6844 d THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DN Venice: Canaletto & his Rivals. Oct 13– Jan 16. Sainsbury Wing, admn charge. The finest assembly of Venetian views in a generation, featuring master- pieces by Canaletto, Luca Carlevarijs, Michele Marieschi, Bernardo Bellotto and Francesco Guardi. Clive Head: Modern Perspectives. Oct 13–Nov 28. Room 1, admn free. 3 major works exploring London’s urban landscape. Bridget Riley: Paintings & Related Work. Nov 24–May 22. Sunley Room, admn free. Investigating how Riley’s work relates to the NG’s collection; featuring recent paintings & two wall drawings. Daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 020 7747 2885 Gallery Information e 31thirtyone at the Strand Gallery, 32 John Adam Street, WC2N 6BP 31 portraits in 31 days by Matt Humphrey. Nov 1–7. A charitable photographic project in aid of Crohn’s & Colitis UK. Subjects include Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons & Catherine Tate. t 020 7839 4942 P I C C AD I LL Y A R CAD E P A R K P L S T J A M E S ' S P L R YD ER S T R E E T BU R Y STREE T D U K E S T R E E T K I N G S T R E E T JERMY N ST R EET PI ST JAMES'S ST R EET MASON'S YARD a e g d h i f c b ST JAMES'S N ST JAMES’S K INGST M ARSHA L L S T C O C K S P U RS T N O RTH UMBE R LA N DAV E . OLDCOMPT O NST OR OUGHS T B E A K ST REG E NT JER M YNSTREET A R L T O N HS E . TE R. H A Y M A R K E T W H P A L L M A L L B E D F O RD ST F LO R ALS T ALST E ELLSTREET SAIN TM A RT I N ' SL AN E S HEL TON S T H A RI N RO S S R D F RITH S T E EK S T D E A NST RE ET WA R DOU R S TR EET B ER WICKSTREET L EXI N GTO N ST PO L A N D C H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D B RE W E RS T L O N G A C R E T R EE T S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E S T R A N D S H A F T E R Y A V E OXFO R D ST R E E T P I C C A DI LLY I A Covent Gar Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square Charing C a e d c b TRAFALGAR SQ Y S T P 28 MA M ES’ S TRAFALGAR SQ