Galleries - October 2010

61. GALLERIES OCTOBER 10 j IMAGO ART GALLERY 4 Clifford Street, W1S 2LF Visual Emotions by Bob Krieger. Sep 24–Dec 18. *ad t 020 7287 3599 f 020 7434 3196 k JAMES HYMAN GALLERY 5 Savile Row, W1S 3PD Albrecht Tübke: Made in Italy. Sep 15–Nov 6. The first solo exhibition in the UK for this celebrated German photographer. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–2 web t 020 7494 3857 l MAYOR GALLERY 22a Cork Street, W1S 3NA Billy Apple: British and American Works 1960-69. Sep 16–Oct 30. Major solo exhibition of 60s Pop Artist. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 12–3 t 020 7734 3558 f 020 7494 1377 m MEDICI GALLERY 5 Cork Street, W1S 3LQ Tony de Wolf and Matthew Simmonds. Sep 30–Oct 22. Noel Bensted. Oct 26–Nov 16. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7495 2565 n MESSUM’S 8 Cork Street, W1S 3LJ Alan Cotton Exhibition. Sep 15–Oct 2. Over forty works from Hartland, Ireland, Piemonte and Provence. Peter Brown. Oct 6–23. At Toronto International Art Fair, Oct 21–25, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. t 020 7437 5545 o MODERN MASTERS GALLERY 23 Cork Street, Mayfair W1S 3NJ Sculpture and International Fine Arts. Exhibition: Sculptures, paintings and graphic art by Salvador Dali and other Modern Masters. Mon–Fri 10.30–6.30, Sat 12–5 tube Green Park, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7734 9246 f 020 7734 2415 p REDFERN GALLERY 20 Cork Street, W1S 3HL Linda Karshan: Movements, and their Images. Oct 5–16. Intaglio Prints. Oct 6–Nov 11. John Carter: Retrospective Exhibition and Book Launch. Oct 20–Nov 11. Mon–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7734 1732 f 020 7494 2908 q ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Treasures from Budapest: European Masterpieces from Leonardo to Schiele. Until Dec 12. Pioneering Painters: The Glasgow Boys 1880–1900. Oct 30–Jan 23. The Language of Line: John Flaxman’s illustrations to the works of Homer and Aeschylus. Until Oct 29. The Brandhorst Museum by Sauerbruch Hutton. Until Nov 7. Artists’ Laboratory 01: Ian McKeever RA. Until Oct 24. Daily 10–6(last admn 5.30), Fri till 10pm (last admn 9.30) t Recorded Information 020 7300 5760/5761 t 020 7300 8000 r WADDINGTON GALLERIES 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT Group Show. Mixed exhibition of gallery stock. Aug 31–Oct 2. Sculpture. Oct 5–30. Mixed exhibition of sculpture including work by Carl Andre, Peter Blake, John Chamberlain, Barry Flanagan, Dan Flavin, Robert Indiana, Jannis Kounellis, Fausto Melotti, Henry Moore, Mimmo Paladino, Lucas Samaras, Haim Steinbach, Frank Stella, Antoni Tàpies, William Turnbull and Bill Woodrow. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1.30 t 020 7851 2200 f 020 7734 4146 HAMISH MACKIE Sculptures at The Gallery in Cork Street 11- 23 OCTOBER 2010 28 Cork St, London W1S 3NG Mon - Fri 10-6 Sat10-4 T: 07971 028098