Galleries - September 2010

a CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE GALLERIES at ROYAL BRITISH SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS 108 Old Brompton Road, SW7 3RA 18@108: Naked. Benson, Duncan, Edwards, Harley, Hart, Ferrand-Scott. Sep 2–Oct 15. Resistance is an Afterthought. Robert Pratt. Sep 2–10. Free Admission. Gallery Open Wed–Fri 11–4.30 t 020 7373 8615 b CRICKET FINE ART 2 Park Walk, SW10 0AD New Art Gallery in the heart of Chelsea dealing in Contemporary painters and sculptors. t 020 7352 2733 c FAIRFAX GALLERY 5 Park Walk, SW10 0AJ Alice Scrutton. Sep 10–25. Mary Jane Ansell. Sep 30–Oct 12. Tue–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7751 4477 Also Galleries in Tunbridge Wells & Burnham Market d FLYING COLOURS GALLERY The Courtyard, 6 Burnsall Street, SW3 3ST Established Contemporary Art Gallery thriving since 1986. Scottish specialisation including Barr, Cunningham, Farmar, Harrigan, Mangan, Martin, Murphy, Simpson, Scullion and Walker. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, eves & w/e by appt t 020 7351 5558 e GAGLIARDI GALLERY 509 Kings Road, Chelsea, SW10 0TX Situated for more than 30 years in the heart of Chelsea you can find anything from Italian and French new impressionist landscapes to hyper-realist figurative paintings. Extensive website. Every day 12–6 t 020 7352 3663 f GALLERY 286 286 Earl’s Court Road, SW5 9AS Landscapes by Christopher Baker. Sep 9–30. Viewing by appointment or email for Private View invitation. t 020 7370 2239 g KEITH CHAPMAN - MODERN SCULPTURE Hurlingham Studios, Ranelagh Gardens, SW6 3PA Dianne Kaufman: New Paintings, Robert Clatworthy RA: Abstract Bronze Heads. Sep 28–Oct 28. At 20/21 British Art Fair, Stand 8, Sep 15–19. Modern sculpture specialists since 1987. Tue–Thur 12–5.30, Sat 1–4 t 020 7736 6633 or 020 7232 1885 h KINGS ROAD GALLERY & TANYA BAXTER CONTEMPORARY 436 Kings Road, Chelsea, SW10 0IJ Mixed Exhibition including works by M.F. Husain, S.H. Raza, Ling Jian, Pip Todd Warmoth and Sacha Jafri, etc. t 020 7351 1367 f 020 7351 7007 m 07961 360407 i LENA BOYLE FINE ART 1 Earls Court Gardens, SW5 0TD Modern British & Contemporary Paintings and Works on Paper. By appt only t 020 72592700 f 020 7370 7460 j THE LENNOX GALLERY 77 Moore Park Road, SW6 2HH Ben Brotherton: Recent Work. Sep 14–18. Landscapes from South-West France by young emerging British artist. Presented by Grandy Art. 10–6.30 m 07789 264 998 Rental gallery for hire –see section 34 of this issue for details. t 020 7736 7517 k LOTS ROAD AUCTIONS 71–73 Lots Road, SW10 0RN Auctioneers & Valuers. Auctions: Modern & Contemporary Furnishings, Antique Furniture, Carpets, Pictures, Objets d’Art, Lighting and Mirrors. Sales every Sunday from 1pm. Viewing: Wed 6–8, Thur 10–6, Fri/Sat 10–4, Sun from 10 t 020 7376 6800 f 020 7376 6899 l NORTHCOTE GALLERY 253 King’s Road, Chelsea, SW3 5EL Modern British and International Contemporary paintings and sculpture. Tim Garwood: ‘Round the Garden’ –an explosion of vibrant fun. Mixed media on glass. Contact gallery for opening hours t 020 7351 0830 m PIERS FEETHAM GALLERY 475 Fulham Road, SW6 1HL Summer closing –the gallery will be closed from Aug 7, BATTERSEA PARK ES L A NG T ON S T W AL P O L E S T H O R T E N S I A R D M U N S T E R R O A D P A R K W K E A R L ' S C O U R T R D R E D C L I F F E G D N S HO L L YWOO D RD B EAU F O R T S T O L D CHU R C H ST C A L E S T S M ITH S T OA K LE Y ST C H E L S E A B R I D G E R D D R A Y TON G D N S F L O OD S T L OT S R D L O TS R D CE R O AD W O A D B A T T E R S E A B R I D G E N O R T H E N D R O A D L I L L I E R O A D O L D B R O M P T O N R O A D D A W E S R O A D F U L H A M R O A D F UL HAM R OA D B R O M P T O N R D R D Q UE E NS T O W N P R I N C E O F W A L E S D R I V E A L BE R T B RID G E R O AD S T K I N G S R O A D AM RO A D KI N G S R O A D K I N G S R O A D S L O A N E A V E W ARWI C K ROAD C R O M W E L L R O A D F I N B O R O U G H R O A D C H E L S E A E M B A N K M E N T Sloane Square Earl's Court Gloucester Rd Fulham Broadway Parsons Green West Brompton South Kensington a e d n m l k j i o f c b g h MAP 20 LONDON CHELSEA & FULHAM 38. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 10