Galleries - September 2010

MAP 26 LONDON MARYLEBONE a THE COLOMB ART GALLERY 52A George Street, Marylebone W1U 7EA Summer Exhibition. Until Sep 18. Paintings and Sculpture from the Gallery’s Represented Artists. Includes Elena Kourenkova, Pip McGarry, Annie Ralli and Marie Louise Wrightson. Ultra Exhibition. Sep 20–Oct 2. A group collaboration of artists well established in their fields and represented internationally. Mon–Fri 9.30–6.30, Sat 10–5, admn free t 020 7487 5118 b CREATIVE PICTURE FRAMING 81 Baker Street, W1U 6RQ Contemporary Paintings and Prints. Professional onsite framing service. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5 t 020 7935 7794 c ENID LAWSON GALLERY 11 New Cavendish Street W1G 9UD Unpretentious gallery specialising in contemporary fine art from established and emerging artists, in a continuous mixed exhibition. *ad Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 10–4 t 020 7935 3033 d MARK GALLERY 9 Porchester Place, Marble Arch W2 2BS 16th–19th Century Russian Icons. Also modern lithographs and etchings from the Ecole de Paris, including Picasso, Chagall, Dali, Miro, Fini, Cassigneul, etc. Members of BADA and CINOA. Mon–Fri 10–1, 2–6, Sat 11–1 t 020 7262 4906 f 020 7224 9416 e RAILINGS GALLERY 5 New Cavendish Street, W1G 8UT Original limited edition prints by contemporary artists. Innovative picture framing and exhibition framing. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5.30 t 020 7935 1114 f 020 7486 9250 PORC H ES TE R RD C H U RCH STREE T G E O R G E S T B E L L S T R E E T N E W C A V E N DIS H S T W I GM O R E S T T G AR D E N S C R AWF O R D S T M A R Y L E B O N E H I G H S T G T . P C O N N AU G H T S T SE YMOU R ST EDGWARE ROAD N G R O V E B AK ER S T REET S EYMOUR PLACE G L OUC E ST E R P L A C E P ORT LAN D P L A C E OX F O R D S T R E E T O X F O R W E S T W A Y MA R Y LEB ON E RO A D a e g d f c b Marble Arch Bond Street Baker Street Marylebone Regent's Park Edgware Road Gt Portland St ? RICHARD NAGY Classic Modernism, German Expressionism, Viennese Secession including works by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, and selected Contemporary. t 020 7262 6400 f 020 7262 6464 f SHERIDAN RUSSELL GALLERY 16 Crawford Street, London W1H 1BS Contemporary Sculpture & Painting. Autumn Show featuring the paintings of Charlotte Cornish and Charles Harrison. Plus contemporary Sculpture and Painting, artists include Richard Chapman, John Duffin, Mel Fraser, Neal French FRBS, Philip Hearsey, John Huggins RWA FRBS, Angus MacQueen, John Williams ARBS and Charles Westgarth. Charles Harrison. From Sep 11. *ad Tue–Fri 11–7, Sat 10–6 t/f 020 7935 0250 g THOMPSON’S GALLERY 15 New Cavendish Street W1G 9UB The Autumn Exhibition. Sep 22–Oct 3. Exciting mixed exhibition of Modern British and Contemporary paintings by 36 artists including Bratby, Cuming, Fedden, Gore, Howson, McClure, Newcombe, Piper, Potter, Selby, Sharp, Weight, Wolmark. Also featuring sculpture by Bull, Hunter, Vanstone, Tebbenhof and photography by David Anthony Hall. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10.30–5.30 Sun 11–5 t 020 7935 3595 47. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 10 It is a measure of Jenny Pockley's range of art-historical sensitivity and technical sophistication that she can take a subject so well worked over as the New York urban landscape and come up with a series of paintings that manages to say new and poetic things about the place. Pockley's work has, for instance, always shown a sympathetic understanding of Edward Hopper's ability to suspend time, to which she adds here elements of the American Sublime's luminism and the dense colour moods of Rothko and Still –all woven together in images of touching splendour. (See Sarah Myerscough Fine Art map 27) NU Jenny Pockley ‘Harlem River’ oil on gesso, 130 x 170cm