Galleries - August 2011

? BONHAMS (Glasgow) 176 St Vincent Street, G2 5SG Auctioneers. Please call for viewing times. t 0141 223 8866 a COMPASS GALLERY & CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 4RL First of the Summer Wine. Exhibition throughout July and August. *ad Works by Vanessa Bell, Elizabeth Blackadder, FCB Cadell, Ann Christopher, Robert Colquhoun, Joan Eardley, JD Fergusson, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, Jack Knox, Robert MacBryde, J. McLauchlan Milne, SJ Peploe, Philip Reeves, Tom Shanks and many others. Mon–Sat 10–5.30 t 0141 221 6370 b HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY University ofGlasgow, 82 Hillhead Street, G12 8QQ Breaking the Renaissance Code: Emblems and Emblem Books. Jun 25–Oct 4. Mon–Sat 9.30–5, admn free t 0141 330 5431 c JOHN GREEN FINE ART 182 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4HG Traditional & Contemporary Paintings. An ever changing display of British & Continental oils and watercolours at reasonable prices. Specialist framers and restorers. Mon–Fri 10.30–5, Sat 10.30–1 t 0141 333 1991 d ROGER BILLCLIFFE GALLERY 134 Blythswood St, Glasgow G2 4EL Grand Summer Exhibition. From Jul 1 until mid August. In Print –New Editions from Advanced Graphics London & Peacock Print- makers Aberdeen; Summer Design Collection –contemporary jewellery, ceramics & silverware; + more –mixed show of new work from gallery artists. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30 t 0141 332 4027 f 0141 332 6573 CLYDE KELVINGROVE PARK KENTROAD MAIC A S T G E O R G E S T R E E T E S L O A N E T FIN NIE S TO N S TREET B E R K E L E Y S T B R O O M I E L A W A R G Y L E S T R E E T KELV IN W A Y U N I V E R S I T Y A V E HIL LHE G IB S O N S T P A R K R D W O O D L A N D S R D P R I N C ES ST S A U C H I E H A L L C W C A D E N S S T V I N C E N T G O V A N R O A D A R G Y L E S T R E E T A D C L Y D E S I D E E X P R E S S W A Y M 8 HO W. CA M PB E L L S T WE LL IN G T O N S T T CH I S T T ST WEST G EOR G E ST V I NCENT ST a a d c b a MAP 3 SCOTLAND GLASGOW 16. GALLERIES AUGUST 11 shows national and local artists in a contemporary space with spectacular views. The August show is a winner with Frances’ own well known land & seascapes hanging together with the work of her son Ross Ryan – an award winning painter and printmaker who has spent the last couple of winters painting vast industrial sites in Bremen. Working at night in a North Sea survival suit, his paint freezing solid in the cruel sub-zero temperatures, Ross captures with dramatic light and colour the German urban landscape. An additional 6 months in “wild” Berlin produced a number of ink and line drawings of his local neighbourhood –“A mugging, daily harassment from dealers and even arrest was the price paid for painting in the liveliest of places” and they coolly reflect the graffittied streets from the rougher side of the city. From Crinan a spectacular drive south will take you to the romantic sounding Tighnabruaich Gallery on the Kyles of Bute –worth visiting for two young but established Scottish artists showing here this month. 28 year old Rosanne Barr and Glasgow born Charlie O’Sullivan who, although now continued on page 53 The Art of Simon Palmer intro Elspeth Moncrieff 144pp, 113 col ills Oblong Creative Ltd, hbk £35 Simon Palmer was born in Yorkshire in 1956, grew up in Kent and went to art school in Surrey studying graphic design and illustration. For 25 years he has delighted a loyal circle of admirers with his distinctive watercolours, which could be described as Paul Nash meets Stanley Spencer, with a shake of Ravilious and a dash of Francis Towne. The more one looks at his detailed pieces, the stranger and more haunting they become. Palmer is served well by this book, published by a local company in association with the dealer James Huntington-Whiteley. Elspeth Moncrieff does a good job in her essay and then the reader is left to himself to ponder “the hills behind with Sleddale and Beggarman’s Road cutting up through shadow to the ridge beyond”. SD BOOK review Images overleaf: C atherine Forshall, ‘Lobsters’ at Flying Colours Gallery. Charlie O’Sullivan, ‘Hillside Hideaway’ at Tighnabruaich Gallery. Mhairi McGregor ‘Sunflowers and Roses’ at Lost Gallery above: Frances MacDonald, ‘Ronachan, Kintyre’ at Crinan Gallery