Galleries - August 2011

h JONATHAN POOLE Compton Cassey Gallery, Compton Cassey House nr Withington, Cheltenham, Glos GL54 4DE Contemporary Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Gallery Artists. Representative for estates of Miles Davis (Europe) and John Lennon (Europe). Exhibition Organiser Worldwide. Gallery Hours Mon–Sat 10–5 during exhibs, by appt any other time t 01242 890224 f 01242 890479 i MARTIN’S GALLERY Imperial House, Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham Glos GL50 1UA Viewings by appointment only, throughout the summer. A collection of works featuring Mai Anh, Ben Blethyn, Michael B. Edwards, Sir William Russell Flint, Mila Fürstová, Pamela Harrison, Ed Kelly, Rory Morrell, John Trigg. Modern British, Sculpture, St Ives, Victorian Watercolours and Vietnamese Art. (Central Cheltenham, with parking.) t 01242 526044 OXFORDSHIRE j BONHAMS (Oxon) Banbury Road, Shipton on Cherwell, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1JH Auctionners. General and Specialist Sales throughout the year. Please contact for viewing times. t 01865 853640 f 01865 372722 k WREN GALLERY 34 Lower High Street, Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4RR Summer Exhibition. July-August. Gerald Carson, Cyril Croucher, Jean Feeney, Strickland Goodall, Trisha Hardwick, John Lawrence, Pamela McTurk, Trudie Mooney, Petley-Jones, David Pole, Porteous-Butler, Dionne Sievewright, Anne Songhurst. Joan’s Way of Seeing. Sep 4–Nov 4. *ad Selling exhibition of paintings and sketches by Joan Gillchrest (1918–2008) to coincide with the Gillchrest/Pearce/Yates Show at Penlee House Gallery, Penzance. Mon–Sun 10–5 t 01993823495 WILTSHIRE l RABLEY DRAWING CENTRE Rabley Barn, Mildenhall, Marlborough, Wilts SN8 2LW Please contact the gallery for further information and exhibition schedule. t 01672 511999 23. GALLERIES AUGUST 11 Joan Gillchrest 1918 - 2008 Joan’s Way of Seeing 4th - 30th September 2011 Fully illustrated catalogue available Wren Gallery Bear Court, 34 Lower High Street, Burford, OX18 4RR t: 01993 823495 www . w r en f i nea r t . com ROSEMARY CLUNIE FROM THE INFINITE GALLERY How little we are, how large