Galleries - February 2011

27. GALLERIES FEBRUARY 11 WEST SUSSEX h COWFOLD GALLERY & PRINT WORKSHOP Cowfold, West Sussex RH13 8DU Modern British paintings, drawings and prints. Well known and new artists including inexpensive works. Sculpture by Giles Penny. Exclusive Tessa Newcomb prints. Suggest call when visiting t 01403 864237 i ZIMMER STEWART GALLERY 29 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9DG New Year Group Show of gallery artists. Jan 8–Feb 19. Featuring an installation by James Chevis in welded steel rods. Showing paintings, sculpture, ceramics and original prints. Gary Goodman solo show of new paintings and prints. Feb 27–Mar 19. See website for full details. Own Art loans available. *Own Art Tue–Sat 10–5, other times by appt, admn free t 01903 885867 EAST SUSSEX j CHALK GALLERY 4North Street, Lewes BN7 2PA A uniquegallery, run as a co-operativeof 21 diverse artists, offering high quality 2D and 3D work. A new hang takes place every six weeks, including featured and guest artists, maintaining a constant level of change and interest. Daily 10–5 k HASTINGS ARTS FORUM 36 Marina, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 0BU Gallery 1 & 2 ForumAuction. Jan 28–Feb 5. Members donate artwork for sale. Hunt a bargain! ‘My Funny Valentine: My Bloody Valentine’. Feb 10–15. ForumMembers Show. Feb 17–Mar 1. t 01424 201636 KENT l CREATIVE QUARTER The Old High Street & Tontine Street, Folkestone, Kent Regenerating the town of Folkestone through a programmeof arts activities. Artist and Craft Spaces availableto rent. t 01303 842182 m FRANCIS ILES GALLERIES Rutland House, 103 High Street, Rochester ME1 1LX Specialists in Rowland Hilder OBE. *Own Art available. Full restoration, conservation and in-house Guild Commended framing service. Mon–Sat 9.30–5.30 t 01634 843081 l GEORGES HOUSE GALLERY Georges House, 8 The Old High Street, Folkestone CT20 1RL Folkestone’s Premier Fine Art Gallery. For bi-monthly major exhibition news: t 01303 244533 n LILFORD GALLERY 76 Castle Street, Canterbury CT1 2QD Gallery and Coffee Bar. Large selection of Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture with several Exhibitions each year. Keep up-to- date with our current work on website. *Own Art 20/21 International Art Fair, Royal College of Art, Feb 17–20, Stand 7. t 01227766616 n STUDIO 3 GALLERY Jarman Building (Canterbury Campus) University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7UG Ana Maria Pacheco: ‘Shadows of the Wanderer’. Jan 17–May 27. Organised in association with Pratt Contemporary. Mon–Fri 9–5, admn free t 01227827228 Here’s an interesting thing: a show of fivemajor paintings by fiveof themost consistently ambitious British abstract painters of the last 50 years – Davie, Hoyland, Gouk, Pollock, Smart (and onesculptor, Greenwood), sponsored under thetitle‘High-Abstract’ at Poussin , by thenew, not-for-profit organisation ‘abstract critical’. Launching this month with a website journal as well and following up with public panel discussions, open competitions,et al, this hugely welcome new initiative has the stated intention of raising the general level of debate about, and understanding of, abstract art in this country. About time! NU THUMB nails Anne Smart ‘Baroquey’ 2009, various paints on mixed grounds, 150 x 256cm