Galleries - February 2011

Sheridan Russell Gallery 16 Crawford Street London W1H 1BS 020 7935 0250 Jenefer Newman ¹ Aquaterre 9 to 19 February 2011 10am to 5pm daily (closes 1pm on 17 February) An exhibition celebrating the nine art societies of the Federation of British Artists Mall Galleries The Mall London SW1 Saw Ohn Nyun V by Sir Gerald Festus Kelly (UU\HS ,_OPIP[PVU ([ [OL 4HSS .HSSLYPLZ ;OL 4HSS 3VUKVU :> MYVT UK [V [O 4HYJO HT [V WT KHPS` *SVZLZ WT VU ÄUHS KH` ^^^ YV`HSZVJPL[`VMIYP[PZOHY[PZ[Z VYN \R ;LS! 5PJR ;PKUHT 9)( >PU[LY +\UNLULZZ ‘Silver apples of the moon Golden apples of the sun’ LANDSCAPES OF SUNLIGHT AND EVENING IN BRITISH ART Society of Landscape Painters Retrospective Exhibition A selection of works by distinguished Royal Academicians and other members of the Society of Landscape Painters including Norman Adams,William Bowyer, Anna Butt, Tom Coates, Jean Cooke, Anthony Eyton, Elena Gaussen, Dennis Gilbert, Roger de Grey, Frederick Gore, Peter Greenham, David Gluck, David Graham, Colin Hayes, Sandra Pepys,Tom Rickman, Stan Smith, Celia Ward, John Ward and Victor Willis. Mall Galleries ,The Mall, London SW1 21 to 26 February 2011 10am to 5 pm (closes 4pm final day) ‘Harvest, Provence’, F.redrick Gore RA