Galleries - February 2011

SATURDAY 19 John Cage - Hunterian - 2 Oona Hassim - Campden - 7 The Sculpture Show - Campden - 7 SUNDAY 20 Open Photography 2 - Royal West of England Academy - 13 Renata Marcinowska-Sosinska - Posk - 18 Samuel Ault - Début Art & The Coningsby - 24 MONDAY 21 Daniel Roberson - MOMA Wales - 4 Jack Firth, John Struthers, Caroline Temple - Open Eye - 3 MA & Other Postgraduates 2011 - Atkinson - 12 Printmaking from St Ives - Open Eye - 3 Rhoda Pepys - Silver apples of the moon, Golden apples of the sun - The Wapping Group of Artists: London and its River - Mall - 29 WEDNESDAY 23 Eclectic - Panter & Hall - 26 Jan Gossaert’s Renaissance - National Gallery - 29 Paul Mount - Beaux Arts - 30 Sarah Maclean - Osborne Studio - 22 Sculpture by Sophie Dickens - Millinery Works - 32 THURSDAY 24 Celebrating women’s creativity - Off The Wall - 4 First@108 Public Art Award - Royal British Society of Sculptors: Contemporary - 20 Peter Randall-Page - Royal British Society of Sculptors: Contemporary - 20 Sarah Scampton - Beardsmore - 23 FRIDAY 25 Artemisia - St David’s Hall - 4 Belinda Whiting / David Pringle - Millennium - 11 Jiro Osuga - Flowers - 32 R & R – Residencies and Retreats for Contemporary Mak- ers, Amanda Game - Contemporary Applied Arts - 24 SATURDAY 26 Alice Arnold, Andrew Grisman & Alice Arnold - Greenstage - 8 Animation Showcase - Newport Museum & Art Gallery - 4 Catharine Armitage - Lemon Street - 9 David Tress - Boundary - 23 Here, There and Elsewhere: Adventures in four dimensions - Newport Museum & Art Gallery - 4 Kumar Saraff - Art Shop - 4 Loïc Gesnouin - Woodbine - 16 Paul Feiler - Lemon Street - 9 SUNDAY 27 Gary Goodman - Zimmer Stewart - 15 MONDAY 28 Alasdair Wallace - Rebecca Hossack - 24 Anna Howarth & David Bromley - Rebecca Hossack - 24 Sculptors’ Prints and Drawings - Gallery Pangolin - 7 Simon Burbidge - 54The Gallery - 26 Sonia Rollo - Southbank Printmakers - 31 February 11 7. GALLERIES FEBRUARY 11 NEW SHOWS DIARY EXHIBITION OF IMPRESSIONIST AND MODERN ART 66 St. James’s Street, London SW1A 1NE , UK t+44 (0)20 7629 6662 f+44 (0)20 7409 0077 St e r n P i ss a r ro Ga l l e r y Alfred Sisley, La Seine à Saint-Cloud , oil on canvas, 38 x 55.3 cm / 15 x 21.8 in, signed & dated 1877 4 TH – 24 TH FEBRUARY2011