Galleries - July 2011

MAP 24 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH Hundreds of watercolours, drawings, oils and prints 1760–2000. For ‘Lists’ (catalogues) introducing all new stock, every 7 weeks and Exhibition news visit: t 020 7637 3981 f 020 7631 0575 b AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard 68/69 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BN Janet Leach, William Marshall, Jason Wason ceramics and Ben Nicholson works on paper. Jun 22–Jul 28. Masterpiece Art Fair, Jun 30–Jul 5, Stand A18. August: TheGallery will beclosed. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30 Sat (during exhib) 11–2.30 tubeHolborn and Tottenham Court Road t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 c CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, London W1T 1DD Jacqueline Mina, Touching Gold. Jun 17–Jul 23. Solo exhibition showcasing new pieces in gold alongside a reflection of work from the past decade, providing an opportunity to purchase Mina pieces. This show will tour to TheScottish Gallery and Ruthin after CAA. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 74362344 d CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS CENTRE 63 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BF ‘Little and Large’. Jul 7–30. *ad A showcaseexploring scale. A selection of little and large pieces from Sandy Brown, Adam Buick, Walter Keeler and Marcus O’Mahony. Theonly gallery in London specialising exclusively in British studio pottery. Over 100 makers on show in a continually changing display of individually handmadeceramic objects. Mon–Sat 10.30–6 t 020 7242 9644 e CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street (off Charlotte Street) London W1T 2JR Albany Wiseman: paintings and prints; ‘The Mynotts’ – work by Derek, Gerald and Lawrence Mynott. Jul 7–26. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 tubeGoodgeStret t 020 7323 4700 f 020 74363059 f DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, London W1T 4RJ Gloss, an exhibition by ArnO. Jun 27–Jul 9. French artist’s twist on the consumer imageof beauty, products and the quest for perfection. Yael David-Cohen: an exhibition of Recent Work. Jul 11–16. Large, abstract multi-media works inspired by thenatural cycleof O L D GL OUC E S T E R S T G TORMONDST R E D L I O N B S Q U A R E B EDFORDPL M U S E U M L I N C OL N 'S I N N FIE W I N D M ILL C H ENI E SS T TO T T E N H A M S T S T S T SQ U A R E R U S S E L L MO N TAG U E ST REE T S TO R E S T HOWLAN D ST MO NT A GU E P L G R E A T R US SE LL S T GUI L FO R D STREET G T S T J A M E S S T B L O O M SBU RY KIN GSWA Y B E R N ERS S T N E W M A N S T B Y N G P L A C E BEDFORD W AY M A L ET ST R E E T M APLE S T R E ET WH IT FIELD S TR E ET GR AFT ON WA Y M ORTIMER S T G O O DG E S T C H A R L O T T E S T GOWER STREET WOBURN P L AC E S OU T HAM PTO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A MB' S C O NDUIT ST RED LION ST W A Y CLEV E L A ND S TREET GT . TITCHF I ELD ST G R E A T PO RT L A N D S TR E E T OXFORD STREET N EW O XFOR D ST RE E T HOLB O R N TOTT E NHA M CO U R T ROAD E U S T O N S TREET BRITISH MUSEUM UCL Tottenham Court Rd Euston Sq Russell Sq Holborn Goodge St Warren St a e g d f c b h i j i growth, decay and renewal. Malcolm Poynter: ‘Puns and Needles’. Jul 18–30. A mix of paintings, illustrations, 3D constructions and embroidery. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat by appt t 020 7636 7478 g THE GALLERY AT 94 94 Cleveland Street, Fitzrovia London W1T 6NW Kate Enters: ‘Is TheGrass Greener?’ May 9–Jul 19. The collection’s influences stem from nostalgia for thepost-war era and Kate’s paintings evoke a strong response to the aesthetic. Mon–Fri 10–6, all other times by appt only t 020 7388 7868 h OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AL ‘Current’. Jun 23–Jul 30. Andy Leleisi’uao, Nic Moon, Virginia King, James F. Ormsby, Filipe Tohi, Reuben Paterson. Showcase of leading contemporary artists from New Zealand and the Pacific; in collaboration with Whitespace, New Zealand. Tue–Sat 12.30–5.30 tubeHolborn/Russell Square t 020 7242 7367 i REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY 2a Conway Street, Fitzrovia, London W1T 6BA Angus McDonald. Jun 30–Jul 23. Emma Haworth. Jul 28–Aug 27. t 020 74364899 REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY AT CHARLOTTE STREET 28 Charlotte Street, London W1T 2NA David Frazer: Last Blossom. Jun 24–Jul 16. Barbara Macfarlane. Jul 22–Aug 6. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7255 2828 j STORE STREET GALLERY 32 Store Street, London WC1E 7BS Two Floors of exhibition space diplaying contemporary artwork from established and emerging British and European artists. Regular mixed and themed exhibitions; please see website for details. Mon–Sat 11–6 t 020 7580 2118 43. GALLERIES JULY 11