Galleries - June 2011

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts 21 June - 4 December Admission £4, concessions £2 Includes entry to the concurrent special exhibition Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts UEA, Norwich NR4 7TJ 01603 593199 With grateful thanks to the Hedgecoe family for the gift of this collection The Face of the Artist Photographs by John Hedgecoe John Hedgecoe, Francis Bacon , 1959 (detail) © 2011 John Hedgecoe/TopFoto FEETHAM GALLERY HILL LODGE CHURCH WALK ALDEBURGH 14th Aldeburgh Festival Exhibition of Painting, Ceramics & Sculpture Artists exhibiting include Maryanne Nicholls Charles MacCarthy, Salliann Putman Caroline McAdam Clark, Irena Sibrijns Sophie MacCarthy, Derek Nice, Cary Norman and others including a small selection of 20th Century Prints & Drawings 11 - 21 June & 25 - 26 June 10.30-1pm/2-5pm T: 01728452209 M: 07775785004 Caroline McAdam Clark, ‘Pagodas, Orford Ness’