Galleries - June 2011

MAP 26 LONDON NEW BOND STREET 42. GALLERIES JUNE 11 C A R N A B Y S. M O L TON S T B I NN EY ST D E RIN G ST W H I T E HO R S E B O LT O N S T H AL F M O O N CL IFFO R D S T B RUT O N P L B O U R D O N S T AV E R Y R O W S T G E O RG E S T C A R L OS PL K I N GL Y S TR E E B U R L I N G T O N G BR O OK 'S MS EI GH H O US E ST B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T D O V E R S T R E E T D A V I E S S T R E E T T BRO OK STR E ET C HARL E S S T R E E T H I L L ST R E E T E Y S T C U R Z O N S T R E E T S A V I L E R O W U N T S T R E E T B R U T O N S T S Q U A R E B E R K E L E Y M A D D O X S T G T M A R L G R O S V E N O R S T R E E T A R E O R S Q U A R E H A N O V E R C O N D U I T S T R E E T N E W / N E W B O N D S T R E E T C A D I L L Y R E G E N T S T R E X F O R D S T R E E T D S L T E R E OL D B O N D S T C O R K S T MAP 27 MAP M S T J AM E S MAP 28 a e g d h k j i f c b Bond Street Green Park a ANNELY JUDA FINE ART 23 Dering Street, London W1S 1AW Max Bill. Until Jul 30. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7629 7578 f 020 7491 2139 b BONHAMS (Bond Street) 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR Auctions and viewing held daily of paintings, water- colours and prints, English, European, Oriental ceramics, etc. Free verbal valuations given. Mon–Fri 8.30–5, Sun (viewing only) 2–5 t 020 7629 6602 c THE FLEMING COLLECTION 13 Berkeley Street, London W1J 8DU Will Maclean: Collected Works 1970–2010. Mar 8–Jun 4. Scottish Summer Exhibition. Jun 10–Sep 3. Tue–Sat 10–5.30 Admn free tube Green Park t 020 7042 5730 d GIMPEL FILS 30 Davies Street, London W1K 4NB Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook: The Village and Elsewhere. New film and photography by the leading Thai artist. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 11–4 t 020 74932488 f 020 7629 5732 e HAMILTONS GALLERY 13 Carlos Place, London W1K 2EU Modern and Contemporary Photography – Herb Ritts, Miles Aldridge and Roger Ballen, amongst oth- ers. Tadao Ando. May 19–Jun 17. Please visit website for further information. Tue–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7499 9494 f 020 7629 9919 f OPERA GALLERY LONDON 134 New Bond Street, London W1S 2TF High-end contemporary and modern painting and sculpture. Displaying a permanent collection of renowned international artists and special exhibitions every two months. Mon–Sat 10–7, Sun 1–7 t 020 7491 2999 f 020 7409 0910 g OSBORNE SAMUEL 23a Bruton Street, London W1J 6QG John Craxton (1922–2009): Rare works on paper, hand coloured linocuts and prints. May 17–Jun 11. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–2 t 020 74937939 f 020 74937798 Founded 150 years ago, in a Victorian England where women were not viewed as serious contributors to the visual arts and thus didn’t get shown much, if at all, The Society of Women Artists was a huge success from the start with 358 works by 149 women. Now, you might argue, things have moved on a bit, such a society essentially redundant in a time of growing sexual equalities and opportunities. So it is interesting to note how well subscribed to (and vibrant) it remains with 500 members and exhibitors last year for example, in itself a hugely fitting tribute to THUMB nails the often bitter, uphill struggles the Society fought in earlier days to gain recognition for its members. It’s also wonderfully open and eclectic in style and, if last year’s show is anything to go by, very professionally hung and enormously enjoyable ( Mall Galleries ). NU