Galleries - March 2011

GALLERIES @ AFFORDABLE ART FAIR BATTERSEA PARK Will Ramsay’s Affordable Art Fair might be becoming something of an international franchise these days – Sydney, Singapore, New York, Paris, Amsterdam et al – but the ‘original’ Battersea Park version, now in its 13th year, is, with over 120 galleries, still setting the pace. It’s no longer housed in a big tent, the glamorous new-ish ‘temporary’ structure, known as the Battersea Evolution, providing a more established feel to proceedings. The usual wide range of children’s and educational events are all in place too, while this year’s ‘Emerging Artists’ element is organised by ‘jotta’ , the enterprising on- and offline community of practising artists and designers that emerged from the University of the Arts a few years back. Entitled DEVOUR, it includes 20 recent graduate artists working round a theme that is seen as touching on “the human need to devour and possess what we both visually and physically desire. Appreciating the evocative rhythms of the natural world provokes a continual cycle of creation, manipulation and consumption.” Sounds intriguing. Meanwhile on these pages we illustrate what some of the galleries will be showing at the fair . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8