Galleries - March 2011

Elaine Marshall - Greenwich Printmakers - 18 Holograms and Lenticulars - Gallery 286 - 19 WEDNESDAY 16 Culture Matters - 12 Star - 20 Simon Laurie - Panter & Hall - 26 Strangers - Arthouse - 12 THURSDAY 17 Conflicts in Time - Hastings Arts Forum - 16 Knut Navrot - Gimpel Fils - 26 Norman Dilworth - Gimpel Fils - 26 Tom Hammick - Eagle - 32 FRIDAY 18 Hoopers Spring Show - Hoopers - 32 Lynne Golden, Donald Hamilton Fraser - Innocent - 13 Roy Conn, Jules de Goede - Broadbent - 22 Royal Watercolour Society Spring Exhibition - Bankside - 31 TEFAF – Maastricht 2011 - Connaught Brown - 27 SATURDAY 19 Henrietta Dubrey - Edgar Modern - 14 Ishbel McWhirter - Royal Cambrian Academy - 1 Paul Jones, John Hubbard, Brian Graham - Sladers Yard - 12 Paul Wadsworth - Campden - 7 Spring Exhibition - Millyard - 6 Watercolour Soc of Wales - Royal Cambrian Academy - 1 MONDAY 21 Central Saint Martins - Colomb - 25 Peter Joyce - Anthony Hepworth Fine Art Dealers - 21 & Gallery 27 - 30 Renaissance Photography Prize 2011 - Mall - 29 The 2011 Best New Illustrators - Illustration Cupboard - 28 WEDNESDAY 23 21st Century Furniture III: The Arts & Crafts Legacy - Millinery Works - 32 25th Anniversary Exhibition - Osborne Studio - 20 All That We Are - Bath - 14 Bath in Fashion - Bath - 14 Bill Woodrow - Waddington - 30 Chen Jiang Hong - Adam (London) - 30 Old Master Prints: The Madden Arnholz Collection - Irish Museum ofModern Art - 2 Philip Taaffe - Irish Museum ofModern Art - 2 Sarah Adams - Maas - 30 THURSDAY 24 Gallery Artists - Woodbine - 17 Ian Hargreaves - Russell - 18 Luke Elwes - Adam (Bath) - 14 FRIDAY 25 Early Spring Mixed Exhibition - Twenty Twenty - 8 Highlights of a Lifetime - London Glassblowing Studio - 31 Ken Spooner - Millennium - 11 Randy Klein - GX - 18 Rory McCartney - Arch 402 - 32 Spring Exhibition - Wenlock Fine Art - 8 SATURDAY 26 Alfred Wallis and Ben Nicholson - Compton Verney - 8 Andrew Coates, Siddy Langley and Bob Crooks - Marine House At Beer - 12 Anna King - Gallery Heinzel - 3 Dominic Hills - Edgar Modern - 14 Dora Holzhandler - Goldmark - 17 Piers Ottey, London Seen - Zimmer Stewart - 16 Real/Surreal: Two Views of Woodland - Gallery Lefort - 14 What the folk say - Compton Verney - 8 Woolwork: a sailor’s art - Compton Verney - 8 SUNDAY 27 PortalPainters Spring Exhibition - Début Art & The Con- ingsby - 24 & - Portal Painters - 22 MONDAY 28 Chris Salmon - Southbank Printmakers - 31 WEDNESDAY 30 Infinite Beginnings - Austin/Desmond - 24 John Hoyland - Beaux Arts (London) - 30 Rhonda Whitehead - Highgate Contemporary - 23 Rose Hilton Exhibition - Messum’s - 30 Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours 2011 - Mall - 29 THURSDAY 31 Nigel Hall - Annely Juda - 26 Rob Clarke - Rebecca Hossack - 24 March 11 7. GALLERIES MARCH 11 NEW SHOWS DIARY PETER JOYCE RECENT PAINTINGS 2 1 - 26 MARCH Gallery 27 Cork Street, London W1 (mon-sat 11-6) 07970 480 650 29 MARCH - 16 APRIL 1 Campden Street, London W8 (tue-fri 11-5, sat 10-1) 020 7229 9747 ANTHONY HEPWORTH e : w . ‘ Plan d’eau’, 2010, acrylic on board, 15 x 20cm