Galleries - May 2011

MAPS 28 & 29 LONDON ST JAMES’S & TRAFALGAR SQUARE a CHRISTIE’S (StJames’s) 8 King Street, St James’s SW1Y 6QT t 020 7839 9060 b FINE ART COMMISSIONS 7 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL Commissioning Gallery, representing portrait painters, sculptors, sporting and landscape artists. Mon–Thur 10–6, Fri 10–5. t 020 7839 2792 f 020 7839 4477 c GROSVENOR GALLERY 21 Ryder Street, SW1Y 6PX Dhruva Mistry: Bronzes 1987–1990. May 4–20. Ida Kar: Portraits of F.N. Souza. May 23–27. Specialising in Modern & Contemp- orary Indian Art, South African Art and Modern British Sculpture. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat 11–4 (during exhibitions) t 020 7484 7979 f 020 7484 7980 d IAP FINE ART at Horne & Harvey, 23a St James’s St (corner of Ryder St), SW1A 1HA Chris Gollon –New Paintings (incl Love series). Open Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11.30–2 or by appt tube Green Park or Piccadilly For details on work available and exhibitions: t 0844 5611833 e THE ILLUSTRATION CUPBOARD 22 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AL The Art of Jill Murphy (All in One Piece). Until May 7. Edward Ardizzone – Huckleberry Finn. May 7–28. t 020 7976 1727 49. GALLERIES MAY 11 f MARTYN GREGORY 34 Bury St, St James’s, SW1Y 6AH Early English Watercolours, British Paintings; also leading specialist in China Trade Paintings and pictures relating to the Far East. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7839 3731f 020 7930 0812 g PANTER & HALL 27 Bury Street, SW1Y 6AL Luke Dillon-Mahon: New Paintings. Apr 8–May 6. Previously undiscovered cache of exciting oils of the Irish countryside by one of the lost 20th C. Irish masters. Colour catalogue available on request. Chris Bushe: ‘Atlantic Edge’. May 13–27. Paintings inspired by journeys to the islands of Iona, Mull, Islay, Colonsay, Arran, Harris and Lewis. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7839 8800 f 020 7976 2266 h OLYVIA FINE ART 17 Ryder Street, SW1Y 6PY Having successfully promoted the emerging market of Chinese Contemporary Art, in recent years the gallery has heralded an expansion into the Western Modern Masters and Post War. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7925 2986 f 020 7839 5845 i ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Over-Seas House, Park Place St James’s Street, SW1A 1LR No exhibition in May. 10–6, admn free t 020 7408 0214 ext 324 j STERN PISSARRO GALLERY 66 St James’s Street, SW1A 1NE Specialising in Camille Pissarro and three generations of his descendants with a permanent but ever-changing display of works by eleven members of the Pissarro fam- ily. Also some 19th Century European paintings and 20th Century paintings. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 6662 f 020 7409 0077 k WHITFORD FINE ART 6 Duke St, St James’s, SW1Y 6BN Twentieth Century British and European Paintings and Sculpture in- cluding Post War Abstraction, Pop Art, French Cubism and Modernism. Aboriginal Art. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7930 9332 f 020 7930 5577 ? JILL GEORGE GALLERY formerly 38 Lexington Street Soho, W1F 0LL The Gallery is re-locating. Please check the website for further details. a MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Sq), SW1 Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition. May 5–20. The country’s leading portrait exhibition collects together some of the best painted and drawn portraiture from national and international submissions. Admn £2.50, concs £1.50, free to FBA Friends, Art Fund Members, Westminster Res-card holders and u-16s. (Daily 10–5.) Prism: Up close, in detail. May 24–28. A vibrant and exciting exhibition of textile-based artworks. Admission free. (Daily 10–6, closes 4pm final day.) t 020 7930 6844 b THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DN Jan Gossaert’s Renaissance. Feb 23–May 30. Sainsbury Wing, admn charge. The first major exhibition in almost 50 years dedicated to this pivotal Northern Renaissance artist known for his sensuous nudes and arresting portraits. Bridget Riley: Paintings and Re- lated Work. Until May 22. Sunley Room, admn free. Investigating how Riley’s art relates to the National Gallery’s collection; featuring recent paintings and two works specially created on the walls. An American Experiment: George Bellows and the Ashcan Painters. Mar 3–May 30. Room 1, admn free. An introduction to the Ashcan School. Daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 020 7747 2885 Gallery Information P I C C AD I LL Y A R CAD E P A R K P L S T J A M E S ' S P L R YD ER S T R E E T BU R Y STREE T D U K E S T R E E T K I N G S T R E E T JERMY N ST R EET PI ST JAMES'S ST R EET MASON'S YARD a e g d h k j i f c b ST JAMES’S EGEN T ST A R L E S II S T O N H S E . TER. PLA C E WA T E R L H A Y M A R E T C O C K SPU R S T W H I T E HALL T H E MALL N O R T H U M B ERL A N D A V E . A L L B E D F O R D S T F LORAL S T K I N G H ENRIE T T A ST ST A I N T MARTI N ' S L AN E T S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D S T R A N D L O N G A NE W V I C T O R I A E M TRAFALGAR SQUARE K I N S T R E E R EGEN T L TON HS E . T ER. H A Y M A R K E T W H ITEHA LL THE MAL L M A L L B E D F OR D S T O R A L S T S A I N A RT IN ' S L ANE S T I N G C R O S S R O A D L O S H A F T E S B U Y A S T R A N D V I C T O R I A E Covent G Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square Charing Cr E a b TRAFALGAR SQ