Galleries - October 2011

MAP 12 ENGLAND BATH 27. GALLERIES OCTOBER 11 a ADAM GALLERY (BATH) 13 John Street, Bath BA1 2JL Twentieth Century Works of Art and Contemporary Paintings. MichaelHyam: New Paintings. Oct 1–21. Mon–Sat 9.30–5.30 t/f 01225 480406 See also London Cork Street map b BATH CONTEMPORARY (formerly Bath Fine Art) 35 Gay Street, Bath BA1 2NT Autumn Mixed Exhibition. Oct 4–29. New paintings by Jane Cooper, Mike Service and Endre Roder, and introducing sculpture by Ben Dearnley alongside other gallery artists, sculptors and ceramicists. After unveiling his latest sculpture of of Oscar Pistorius as part of his series of Olympic athletes in Trafalgar Square, Ben, Official BT Olympic Artist for 2012, is showing a selection of sculptures in bronze and stone. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 10–5 & by appt t 01225 461230 c BEAUX ARTS BATH 12/13 York Street, Bath BA1 1NG New Paintings by Akash Bhatt. New Ceramic Sculptures by AvitalSheffer. New Ceramics by Suleymann Saba. Until Oct 15. New Paintings by David Tress. New Bronze Sculptures by Anthony Scott. New Ceramics by William Plumptre. Oct 22–Nov 12. Mon–Sat 10–5 t 01225 464850 Adjacent to Bath Abbey d bo.lee gallery 1 Queen Street, Bath, BA1 1HE ‘Leading the Giant’: A Solo Show by Beth Carter. Oct 17–Nov 10. New coloured drawings and bronze sculptures. PV Sat Oct 15. Contact the gallery for an invitation. t 07970 492858, 01225 428211 GE ORG E S T T H E C I R C U S C H U R C H S T D S U T T O N S M O N M O U T H S T O A D GA Y S TR EE T G R E A T P U L T E N E Y B R I D G E S T WE S T G A T E S T J A M E S S T K ST W EST S T J U L I A N R O A D M I LS O M S TR E E T C L E V E L A N D B R . B A T H L O N D O N R O A D - A 4 R O A D W A L C O T S T R E E T N O R T R O Y A L A V E N U E HENRIETTA PARK GREEN PK STATION a e g d h j i f c b e EDGAR MODERN Bartlett Street (off George Street), Bath BA1 2EE Alexander Fraser RSA RSW. Solo exhibition to introduce this distinguished and established Scottish painter. He has exhibted in Scotland since the 1950s and this is the first show of his work in England since the early 1990s. New Autumn Collection of work from the gallery’s most popular artists at the Affordable Art Fair, Battersea, Stand D9, Oct 20–23 and the new Hampstead AAF, Stand H7, Oct 27–30. Contact the gallery for PV invitations. Tue–Sat 11–5.30 t 01225 443746 m 07940 597757 ? GALLERY LeFORT FINE ART formerly of 5 Margaret’s Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Gallery relocating –re-opening in Devon in Spring 2012. f GALLERY NINE 9B Margarets Buildings, Bath BA7 2LP Specialising in Contemporary British Studio Ceramics, as well as Artist Prints, Jewellery and Textiles. Mon–Sat 10–5.30 and most Suns 2–5 t 01225 319197 g hiltonfine art 5 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Grand Opening Show of new gallery in Bath run by Bo Hilton. From Sep 23. Specialising in contemporary, painterly, semi-figurative work. Painting: Rose Hilton, Bo Hilton, Hannah Woodman, Michael Porter, Richard Ballinger, Simon Casson and Rachael Kantaris. Sculpture: Tom Leaper. PaulWadsworth: New Drawings & Paintings. Oct 21–Nov 14. Tue–Sat 10–5 t 01225 311311 h PETER HAYES CERAMICS 2 Cleveland Bridge, Bath BA1 5DH After many years travelling through Africa and Asia, Peter Hayes converted an old toll bridge lodge on the banks of the river Avon into a working studio and gallery. Throughout the studio and garden visitors are able to view the making process at all stages. Showing a range of interior and exterior sculpture and ceramics. t 01225 466215 i QUEST GALLERY 7 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP ‘Forms of Life’ –Paintings by Martin Yeoman. Oct 4–Nov 26. A highly acclaimed award-winning artist whose draughts- manship and skill in drawing underpins all his work. Mon–Sat 10–6 or by appt t 01225 444142 j ROSTRA & ROOKSMOOR GALLERIES 5 George Street, Bath BA1 2EJ Winter Shows. Oct 1–31. Introducing Ruth Broadway’s large scale line drawings, Aine Venables retro prints, David Rhys’s ceramics to the Gallery fold. Brand new ceramics by Paul Smith. Interest free credit; picture framing. Mon–Sat 10–5.30, Sun/BHols 11–4 t 01225 448121