Galleries - October 2011

GREENSTAGE GALLERY Stand K7 Artists include: Beth Richardson, Jane Eccles, Maggie Jones, Pierre Williams, Plum Neasmith, Stella Hidden Image 7 : Pierre Williams Blue & White Ceramic GREENWICH PRINTMAKERS Stand B5 Artists include Angela Brookes, Mary Cossey, Olivia Krimpas, Peter Luty, Sue Rowling Image 8 : Sue Rowling Small Islands screen monoprint HIGHGATE CONTEMPORARY ART Stand D5 Artists include Angela A’Court, Tim Benson, Julika De Fouw, Russell Frampton, Gohar Goddard, Boo Mallinson, Sirpa Panjunen- Moghissi, Patrice Moor, Matt Phelps, Danny Pockets, Janey Sharratt, Phil Tyler Image 9 : Janey Sharratt, Blue Moves Forward LIGHTHOUSE GALLERY Stands J9, J8 Artists include Catherine Hyde, Benjamin Warner, Peter Wray & Judy Collins, Paul Wadsworth, Rosemary Trestini Image 10 : Catherine Hyde, The Flame Red Moon MANYA IGEL FINE ARTS Stand L7 Artists include Julian Bailey, Fred Cuming, Richard Price, Susan Ryder, Bernard Dunstan Image 11 : Susan Ryder The Red Chairs – Marble Table, oil on canvas, signed, 28” x 38” MARINE HOUSE AT BEER Stands A7, D6 Artists include Mike Bernard, Jim Farrant, Martin Procter, Tina Stokes, Mary Pym Image 12 : Anita Klein, Angelo del Palio , 26 x 26 ins, acrylic on paper BICHA Stand E10 Artists include Jeff Dellow, Derek Marks, Colin McCallum, Eleonore Pironneau, Claire Malet Image 1 : Jeff Dellow Sulphur Cascade CONTEMPORARY FINE ART GALLERY ETON Stand I1 Artists include Peter Howson, Joe Hargan, Muriel Barclay, George Callaghan, Chung Shek Image 2 : Chung Shek, Ballerina , oil on canvas, 30 x 24 ins CURWEN GALLERY Stands J6, K8 Artists include David Rhys Jones, Bill Pryde, Henry Walsh Image 3 : Bill Pryde, St Ives Harbour , screenprint, 41 x 38cm, edition of 20 CYNTHIA CORBETT GALLERY Stand F8 Artists include Deborah Azzopardi, Andy Burgess, Tom Leighton, Jamie Lumley Klari Reis Image 4 : Andy Burgess The Stahl House , oil on canvas, 24 x 30 ins EDGAR MODERN Stands D9, H7 Artists include Becky Buchanan, Ronald F. Smith, Alexander Fraser, Mhairi McGregor, Henrietta Dubrey Image 5 : Becky Buchanan All Abroad , resin and mixed media on board, 120 x 120 cm ENID LAWSON GALLERY Stands L5, K5 Artists include Jonathan Pocock, Philip Richardson, Heidi Koenig, Byron Gin,Mark Bradford Image 6 : Byron Gin Blue Jay , oil on canvas MID CORNWALL GALLERIES Stand L2 Artists include Amanda Hoskin, Jenny Collins, Judy Hempstead, Mary Sumner, Saul Cathcart, Simon Pooley Image 13 : Mary Sumner, Sea and Sand, St Ives NORTHCOTE GALLERY Stand I7 Artists include Debi O'Hehir, Tom Homewood, Emma Cowlam, Jo Barrett, Myles Oxenford Image 14 : Emma Cowlam, Bike Lovers PANTER AND HALL Stand I9 Artists include Mark Demsteader, Chris Bushe, Margaretann Bennett, Colin Brown, Sandy Murphy Image 15 : Chris Bushe, Study for Summer Winds , Coll , Oil on board, 20" x 22" RUSSELL GALLERY Stands J9, D12 Artists include Sue Campion, Chelsea Davine, Heath Hearn, Vanessa Cooper Image 16 : Sue Campion, Shropshire , 34” x 36”, oil on linen WHITE SPACE ART Stand E3 Artists include Sarah Bowman, Vanessa Bowman, Marilyn Brown- ing, David Brayne, David Morgan Image 17 : Vanessa Bowman Nas- turtiums and Peaches , oil, 40 x 47cms WOODBINE CONTEMPORARY ARTS Stand J10 Artists include Ceri Auckland- Davies, Loïc Gesnouin, Charles Harrison, Julie Holton, Michael Kelly, Amber Mottram, Julie Need- ham, Geoff Oke Image 18 : Charles Harrison Chewin' Cheeks , mixed media on canvas NEW FAIRS AND OLD – The London Affordable Autumn Art Fair splitting in two that is; with typicalentrepreneurialskilland nous, the Fair is launching itself north of the river for the first time this October, taking the Lower Fairground site just by Hampstead Ponds, the weekend after the long-standing Battersea event. With a full complement of galleries participating – very much the same in both venues as I understand it – and similar workshops, talks and events on offer as well (though Cass Arts who are running the Hampstead event’s Education Space are also offering £1200 worth of prizes for works of art inspired by the Heath), it is hard to see how this new initiative can really fail! As ever our Fair feature gives an idea of what some of the participating galleries will be showing . . . BATTERSEA PARK 20-23 Oct / HAMPSTEAD HEATH 27-30 Oct