Galleries - October 2011

51. GALLERIES OCTOBER 11 k MAYOR GALLERY 22a Cork Street, W1S 3NA Do Not Remove: Conner, Herms & Mallary. Sep 14–Oct 26. Three American Junk Artists. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 12–3 t 020 7734 3558 f 020 7494 1377 l MEDICI GALLERY 5 Cork Street, W1S 3LQ Christopher Marvell & Elaine Pamphilon: new paintings and sculpture. Oct 4–Nov 8. Drawings and Illustrations by E.H. Shepard. Nov 14–29. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7495 2565 m MESSUM’S 8/9 Cork Street, W1S 3LJ James Dodds. Oct 5–22. Bulmer Green. Oct 5–22. Zsuzsi Roboz: ‘face to face’. Oct 26–Nov 12. Zsuszi Roboz: A Retrospective. Oct 26–Nov 12. t 020 7437 5545 n REDFERN GALLERY 20 Cork Street, W1S 3HL William Gear: Paintings from the 1960s. Sep 7–Oct 6. Brendan Neiland: A 70th Birthday Exhibition. Oct 12–Nov 10. Gu Gan: Works on Paper. Oct 12–Nov 10. Mon–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7734 1732 f 020 7494 2908 o ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Eyewitness: Hungarian Photography in the 20th Century. Until Oct 2. Brassaï, Capa, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi. Daily 10–6(last admn 5.30), Fri till 10pm (last admn 9.30) Journeyings: Recent Works on paper by Frank Bowling RA. Until Oct 23. Tennant Gallery, Tue–Sun 10–6. Artists’ Laboratory 03: NigelHalRA. Until Oct 23. Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement. Until Dec 11. Timed tickets required: £14, £13 Reg Dis, 60+ £9 NUS/ISIC cards, £4 12-18yrs and Inc Supp, £3 8-11 7 and under or RA Friends free – call 0844 209 0051 or book online. t Recorded Information 020 7300 5760/5761 t 020 7300 8000 p WADDINGTON CUSTOT GALLERIES 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT Ian Davenport. Oct 1–29. New work by the British artist. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1.30 t 020 7851 2200 f 020 7734 4146 q WATERHOUSE & DODD 26 Cork Street, W1S 3ND EmilRobinson: Recent Paintings. Sep 28–Oct 21. 9.30–6 t 020 7734 7800 m 07786740906 f 020 7734 7805