Galleries - September 2011

MAP 24 LONDON MARYLEBONE 42. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 11 a THE COLOMB ART GALLERY 52A George Street, Marylebone, London W1U 7EA Summer Exhibition. Jun 16–Sep 17. Final few weeks of the Summer show, with paintings and sculpture from the gallery’s award winning artists. Including paintings from Ewen Macaulay and bronzes from Adam Binder. Michael James Smith: ‘From Country to Contemporary’. Sep 23–Oct 8. Renowned for skilfully depicting the British landscape, he reveals a remarkable new body of contemporary figurative works. Mon–Fri 9.30–6.30, Sat 10–5, admn free t 020 7487 5118 b CREATIVE PICTURE FRAMING 81 Baker Street, London W1U 6RQ Contemporary Paintings and Prints. Professional onsite framing service. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5 t 020 7935 7794 c ENID LAWSON GALLERY 11 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 9UD Unpretentious gallery specialising in contemporary fine art from established and emerging artists, in a continuous mixed exhibition. *ad Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 10–4 t 020 7935 3033 d MARK GALLERY 9 Porchester Place, Marble Arch, London W2 2BS Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century Russian Icons. Also modern lithographs and etchings from the Ecole de Paris, including Picasso, Chagall, Dali, Miro, Fini, Cassigneul, etc. Members ofBADA and CINOA. Mon–Fri 10–1, 2–6, Sat 11–1 t 020 7262 4906 f 020 7224 9416 e RAILINGS GALLERY 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT Showing original limited edition prints by contemporary artists. Also innovative picture framing and exhibition framing available. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5.30 t 020 7935 1114 f 020 7486 9250 f THOMPSON’S GALLERY 15 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 9UB The September Show. Sep 21–Oct 2. Modern British painters Sir Kyffin Williams, Edward Seago, Dorothea Sharp and Marcel Dyf, Hugh Casson. Contemporary artists Matthew Draper, James Fullarton, Simon Garden, Jack Morrocco, Rachel Nicholson, WilfRoberts, Jonathan Robertson, Norman Smith, Simeon Stafford, Jo Taylor, Paul Wright, Alma Wolfson. Photographer David Anthony Hall and Sculptors Angela Hunter, Andrew Lacey and Paul Vanstone. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10.30–5.30, Sun 11–5 t 020 7935 3595 PARK PORC H ES TE R RD E T G E O R G E S T E L L S T R E E T N E W C A V E N DIS H W I GM O R E S T C R AWF O R D S T M A R Y L E B O N E H I G H S T AU G H T S T SE YMOU R ST EDGWARE ROAD S O N G R O V E B AK ER S T REET S EYMOUR PLACE G L OUC E ST E R P L A C E OX F O R D S T R E E T T W A Y MA R Y LEB ON E RO A D a e d f c b Marble Arch Bond Street Baker Street Marylebone Regent's Park Edgware Road pink dot downloadable local pages from ! " # $$ %& $ # $$ % ' () $ # $$ % ' () ± 6HSWHPEHU 0DO*DOHULHV7KH0DO /RQGRQ6: 3ULYDWHYLHZ 6HSWHPEHU ± ZZZNDELUDDOLHYDFRP =$11 $UWZRUNE\ $]HUEDLMDQLDUWLVW.DELUD$OLHYD DFRPSDQLHGE\PXVLFIURPWKH 8Q9HLOHG DOEXPE\WKH6DELQD5DNFKH\HYD(QVHPEOH 6SRQVRUHGE\