Galleries - December 2012

Graham Clarke Up the Garden Studio, Broughton, Monchelsea, Maidstone, Kent ME17 4LF One of Britain’s most popular and best-selling printmakers with a worldwide reputation. His work is unique but is for everybody. Visit website to see etchings, watercolours, books, greetings cards and news. Open Nov 10-18 (noon-5pm), Sat Nov 24 & Dec 1, 8 & 15 (noon-4pm). For details of 2013 open days see website. Also open by appointment throughout the year. T: 01622 743938 ‘Perfect Harmony’ Vanessa Pooley Bronze sculptures by Vanessa Pooley that celebrate the female form as well as motherhood. Vanessa is a fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and The Sunday Telegraph has described her work as ‘A world apart, a full stop: a portrayal of intimacy so strong that you catch your breath.' More info: T 01603 663775 Vanessa Pooley, ‘Hear Me’, silver plated bronze, 8 x 6 x 4 cm Creation Fine Arts 7 North Bar Within, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 8AP A contemporary gallery showing original works in a unique Grade II listed setting. Based in the town of Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire, Creation houses four rooms of ceramics, fine art photography, original paintings, national and international prints, jewellery, sculpture, bronzes and more. Our regular exhibitions of very collectable work continue throughout the year. T: 01482 868884 Mark Sofilas, ‘Winter Bridge’ oil on canvas, 2012 Minster Gallery 3A Great Minster Street, Winchester, Hants SO23 9HA Exhibition of new paintings by Paul Banning, a member of the RI, RSMA, Wapping Group of Artists and winner of the 2011 Turner Watercolour Award. Nov 30-Jan 8. Also new works by British & International gallery artists – contemporary paintings & sculptures. Easily accessible by car from the M3 and well served by trains from London Waterloo. 5 minute walk from the station, close to the cathedral. Open Mon-Sat 10-5.30 & by appt T: 01962 877601 P aul Banning, ‘Casting the nets, the Strait of Hormuz’, watercolour, 15 x 19 ins Mike Gorman Paintings Mike Gorman – Let the seductive light of the Mediterranean flood your imagination, warm your winter. Hedonistic images of landscape, seascape, the female nude, the occasional goat. An innovative application of acrylic paint, vibrant authentic imagery. Work in numerous collections, private and public. Studio T: +357 99952376 Mike Gorman, ‘After Swim’, 2007 96 x 76 cm Surrey Artists Open Studios SAOS presents Art for Christmas. Nov 17-Dec 24. A great opportunity for members of the public not only to enjoy the Open Studios experience by meeting artists and makers, but also enjoy the opportunity of exploring the lavish work that would decorate your home or make a fantastic gift for a loved one. T: 01484 519285 On the Cover Christmas Baubles by Peter Layton at London Glassblowing 11. GALLERIES DECEMBER 12