Galleries - February 2012

33. GALLERIES FEBRUARY 12 L L B I R D CA G E W ALK M O TCO M B S T S Q B E L G R A V E P I M L I C O R O A D R O Y A L H O S P I T A L R D B U C K I N G H A M P A L A C E R O A D L Y A L L S TRE E T E C CLE STO N S T E B U R Y S T B EL G R A VE R O A D L U P U S S T R E E T R E G E N C Y S T J O H N I S L I P S T E A TO N TCE P EL H A M S L O A N E A V E M I L N E R S T P O N T S T W A LT O N S TR EET G T O N R D D R A Y C O T T A V E R O S V E N O R P L V A U X H A L L B R I D G E R O A D M I L L B A N K M I L L B A N K S LOANE S TREET C H E L S E A B R I D G E R D V I C T O R I A S T R E E T E X H I B I T I O N R O A D L L R O A D Q U E E N 'S G ATE F U L H A M R O A D B R O M P T O N R O A D B R O M P T O N R D K I N G ' S R O A D HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BUCKINGHAM PALACE ST JAMES'S PARK a e g d h i f c b Victoria Sloane Square Pimlico Knightsbridge S.Kensington Westminster a CADOGAN CONTEMPORARY 87 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3LD New Year Exhibition. Jan 7–Mar 17. Celebrating 30 years of the Gallery, we are delighted to exhibit some of the most exciting painters today from Britain and abroad including Sargy Mann, Maria Luisa Hernandez and Deborah Tarr. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7581 5451 b CRANE KALMAN 178 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HQ Modern British, European and American paintings and sculpture. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7584 7566 c LE MUR VIVANT FINE ART 30 Churton Street, off Belgrave Road, London SW1V 2LP ‘Ancient Places, Modern Times’ – exhibition of around 30 paintings by Anthea Eames. Abstract expressionist Norfolk artist – someof thework donein Africa and Australia, but the majority areof Norfolk. Also new wacky and wonderful sculpture by John King. Feb 14–29. Open during exhib from 11am Tue–Sat (when close at 2.30) Mon closed t 020 7821 5555 d LONG & RYLE 4 John Islip Street, SW1P 4PX Maro Gorky: The Geometry of Nature. Feb 22–Mar 24. A series of works that the artist (daughter of painter Arshile Gorky) has painted over the last 3 years, building upon therelationship between Gorky and the Tuscan landscape. Her father’s suicide and recognition of his legacy for American Art set Gorky on an artistic voyage that seemed both inborn and eternally restless. Tue–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7834 1434 e OSBORNE STUDIO GALLERY 2 Motcomb Street, London SW1X 8JU Russian Paintings and British Landscape Paintings. Feb 1–Mar 20. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5, Sun 12–5 t 020 7235 9667 f TATE BRITAIN Millbank, London SW1P 4RG Migrations. Jan 31–Aug 12. £6, concs £5, Tate Members free. Picasso and Modern British Art. Feb 15–Jul 15. £14, concs £12.20, TMs free. BP British Art Displays: Has The Film Already Started? Until Feb 26. Admn free. BP British Art Displays: Don McCullin. Until Mar 4. Admn free. BP British Art Displays: Thin Black Line(s). Until Mar 18. Admn free. 7 days a week 10–6, to 10pm 1st Fri of month t 020 7887 8888 (bookings and information) g 12 STAR GALLERY Europe House, 32 Smith Square London SW1P 3EU Speak Up, Speak Out. Jan 25–Feb 10. Portraits of Holocaust survivors living MAP 21 LONDON KNIGHTSBRIDGE & BELGRAVIA in Haringey painted by Silvia Olipitz Gayler (Pergosh) in 2010 and the work of oneof thosesurvivors, MosheGalili. Stories of Desires and Love. Feb 15–24. Paintings by Balkan artist Zani which show a powerful strength and refreshing spontaneity with rich variations of colour and tone. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7973 1992 h VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL Queen Elizabeth II by Cecil Beaton: A Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Feb 8–Apr 22. £6, concs available. Golden Spider Silk. Until Jun 5. Free display. Tagore Paintings. Until Mar 8. Free display. Daily 10–5.45, & 10–10 every Fri General admn free, but separate charges may apply to exhibitions. Further info: t 020 7942 2000 i WATERCOLOURS + WORKS ON PAPER FAIR Level 2 Galleries, Science Museum Exhibition Road, London SW7 2DD Watercolours + Works on Paper Fair: This eclectic and lively fair presents all types of art on paper from the16th C. to themodern day. Feb 2–5. *pr Works includeoriginal drawings, watercolours, prints, photographs and posters, all of which are for sale, with prices starting at £500 rising to £100,000. Thur 11–9, Fri–Sun 11–6 t 01798 861815