Galleries - July 2012

Amy Albright, Suchi Chidambaram, Martin Goold, Jeannette Hayes, Edward Kelly, Boo Mallinson, Stephen Bishop and Sonia Stanyard. Coffee bar and car park. Wed–Sat 10–4 orby appt t 01297 489746 h SLADERS YARD West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL Julian Bailey: Recent Paintings of Dorset and the West Country. Fully illustrated catalogue available. Sculpture by Martin Miller. Until Aug 12. *ad Petter Southall furniture. Top quality craft and accessories. Contemporary British Art, Furniture and Craft. Licensed Café. Mon–Fri 10–5, Sat 10–5, Sun & BHols 12–5 t 01308 459511 i TZB SOUTHBOURNE GALLERY 2 Carbery Row, Southbourne Road, Bournemouth Dorset BH6 3QR Fine art gallery specialising in original contemporary paintings – wide range of subjects. Thur/Fri 10–12.30, 2–4.30, Sat 10–1 t 01202 426967 SOMERSET k ATKINSON GALLERY Millfield School, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD 23rd Summer Show. Jul 9–Aug 11. *pr *ad Painting, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media. This hugely popular show features a diverse mix of works, from the traditional to the contemporary. Also, for the first time the Evolver Prize exhibition will run alongside the 23rd Summer Show; Wessex based artists are invited to submit work to feature on the front of Evolver magazine, and the results will be displayed. t 01458 444322 NORTH WEST SOMERSET l TOLL HOUSE GALLERY Clevedon Pier, The Beach, Clevedon BS21 7QU Mandi Baykaa-Murray, Lon Sandford and Ann Hughes. Jul 1–31. Three artists who share the love of art and a passion for animals and birds. Stunning graphite drawings, exciting watercolours, bold acrylics and colourful oils – something for everyone, all depicting ‘Feathers and Fur: The Way We See It’. Mon–Fri 10–5, Sat/Sun 10–6, admn free t 01275 878846 f 01275 790077 CHANNEL ISLANDS m COACH-HOUSE GALLERY Les Islets, St Peters, Guernsey GY7 9ES Original Contemporary Work of Quality always on show with locally produced etchings by B. Owen Jones RWS, RE and Paul Bisson. Visiting exhibitions from UK artists change monthly. Daily inc Sun 11–5 t 01481 265339 31. GALLERIES JULY 12 Bournemouth modern/ contemporary 3 rd ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION 1 st June ² 14 th July ¶ Blackfriars Bridge · by Martin Goold Artwave West, Morcombelake, Dorset DT6 6DY 01297 489746 Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-5pm or by appointment ORIGINALS-INPRINT.COM Julian Bailey