Galleries - July 2012

MAP 27 OLD BOND STREET a ALBEMARLE GALLERY 49Albemarle Street, W1S 4JR Contemporary British and European Paintings. Exhibitions: Jamil Naqsh: Homage to Picasso. Jun 28–Jul 21. Jamil Naqsh: Memories of Doves & Pigeons. Jun 28–Jul 21. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7499 1616 f 020 7499 1717 b APRICOT GALLERY 27 Albemarle Street, Mayfair, W1S 4HZ The only gallery in the UK to specialise in contemporary Vietnamese Art. Mon–Sat 10–7 & by appt t 020 7491 8987 c BELGRAVIA GALLERY 45 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JL Exhibition: The Art of Sport, Olympiad 2012. Jun 18–Aug 12. Weekdays10–6 t 020 7495 1010 50. GALLERIES JULY 12 R O Y AL A RC AD E BU R LI N GTON AR CA D E S T A F F OR D S T TO N S G R H A Y HI L L ON D ST OL D B O N D S T D O V E R S T R E E T B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T A LB E M AR LE S TR E ET P I C C A D I L L Y a e g d h i f c b Green Park d CLARENDON FINE ART 46 Dover Street, W1S 4FF 21st Century Contemporary Art. Jul 9–31. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7499 0947 e CONNAUGHT BROWN 2 Albemarle Street, W1S 4HD Edvard Munch: Landscapes of the Soul. Jun 19–Jul 14. Daily 10–6, Sat 10–12.30 t 020 7408 0362 f 020 7495 3137 f ERARTA GALLERIES 8 Berkeley Street, W1J 8DN Danja Akulin: ‘Penumbra’. Jun 15–Jul 14. The Fourth Height + Urs Bigler: ‘The Crown’. Jul 20–Aug 31. tube Green Park, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7499 7861 g ERSKINE, HALL & COE 15 Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, W1S 4SP Yasuhisa Kohyama Exhibition. Jun 13–Jul 12. Please see website for further details. Summer Exhibition. Jul 25through August. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–2 (during exhibsonly) tube Green Park, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7491 1706 h MARLBOROUGH 6 Albemarle Street, W1S 4BY Hughie O’Donoghue: ‘A Moment’s Liberty’. Jul 4–Aug 10. New paintings and prints. t 020 7629 5161 f 020 7629 6338 i RICHARD NAGY Ltd 22 Old Bond Street, W1S 4PY Classic Modernism, German Expressionism, Viennese Secession including works by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, and selected Contemporary. t 020 7262 6400 f 020 7262 6464 Outside the White Cube 25 July-10 Aug daily 11-6pm The Bermondsey Project 46 Willow Walk, London SE1 5SF Jane Thomson, “Myron’s 2012”